

Document Conventions

Information in all Wwise user documentation is displayed using the following conventions:

Visual Identifiers

The following icons help to identify certain types of information:

[Note] Note

Notes are used to provide important additional information.

[Tip] Tip

Tips are useful bits of information, workarounds, and shortcuts that you may find helpful in a particular situation.

[Caution] Caution

Cautions are used when you can lose or damage information, such as deleting data or not being able to easily undo an action. Cautions always appear before you are about to do such a task.

Keyboard and Mouse Conventions

Wwise takes advantage of the left, center, and right mouse buttons. Unless otherwise stated, use the left mouse button. The following table shows the terms relating to the mouse and keyboard.

This term

Means this with a mouse


Quickly press and release the left mouse button. Always use the left mouse button unless otherwise stated.


Quickly press and release the right mouse button.


Click the left mouse button twice rapidly.

Shift+click, Ctrl+click, Alt+click

Hold down the Shift, Ctrl, or Alt key as you click a mouse button.


Hold down the left mouse button while you move the mouse. This is equivalent to drag and drop.

Alt+key, Ctrl+key, Shift+key

Hold down the first key while you press the second key. For example, “Press Ctrl+Z” means to hold down the Ctrl key while you press the Z key.

이 페이지가 도움이 되었나요?

지원이 필요하신가요?

질문이 있으신가요? 문제를 겪고 계신가요? 더 많은 정보가 필요하신가요? 저희에게 문의해주시면 도와드리겠습니다!

지원 페이지를 방문해 주세요

작업하는 프로젝트에 대해 알려주세요. 언제든지 도와드릴 준비가 되어 있습니다.

프로젝트를 등록하세요. 아무런 조건이나 의무 사항 없이 빠른 시작을 도와드리겠습니다.

Wwise를 시작해 보세요