

Adding Sub-tracks to Tracks

To add variety to your score, you can add layers or sub-tracks to tracks. Since you can define random or sequence behaviors for the track and sub-tracks, this provides you with an almost unlimited number of permutations and combinations for playback. Adding sub-tracks is only available for tracks that have been defined as Random Step, Sequence Step or Switch. For more information about how to work with behaviors and tracks, refer to Defining the Playback Behavior for Music Tracks. After you populate your sub-tracks, you might want to audition some of the sub-tracks individually. For testing purposes in the Wwise authoring application only, you can override the random or sequence behavior for a track by using the Force Usage functionality. For more information about auditioning individual sub-tracks, refer to Forcing Sub-tracks to Play.

To add a sub-track to a track:

  1. Right-click the track where you want to add a sub-track.

  2. In the shortcut menu, select Add Sub-Track.

    A new sub-track is added to the track.

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