


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*******************************************************************************
00002 The content of this file includes portions of the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology
00003 released in source code form as part of the SDK installer package.
00005 Commercial License Usage
00007 Licensees holding valid commercial licenses to the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology
00008 may use this file in accordance with the end user license agreement provided 
00009 with the software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a
00010 written agreement between you and Audiokinetic Inc.
00012 Apache License Usage
00014 Alternatively, this file may be used under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 
00015 "Apache License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the 
00016 Apache License. You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at 
00017 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
00019 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
00020 under the Apache License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES
00021 OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for
00022 the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
00024   Version: <VERSION>  Build: <BUILDNUMBER>
00025   Copyright (c) <COPYRIGHTYEAR> Audiokinetic Inc.
00026 *******************************************************************************/
00031 #ifndef _AK_FP_UTILS_H_
00032 #define _AK_FP_UTILS_H_
00034 #include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/AkTypes.h>
00036 // Note: In many case you can use AK_FPSetValXX instead of FSEL. This saves a subtraction on platforms that do not have FSEL instructions.
00037 #if defined(__PPU__)
00038 #include <ppu_intrinsics.h>
00039 #define AK_FSEL( __a__, __b__, __c__ ) ( __fsels((__a__),(__b__),(__c__) ) )
00040 #elif defined(AK_XBOX360)
00041 #include "ppcintrinsics.h"
00042 #define AK_FSEL( __a__, __b__, __c__ ) ( (AkReal32)__fsel((__a__),(__b__),(__c__) ) )
00043 #else
00044 #define AK_FSEL( __a__, __b__, __c__) (((__a__) >= 0) ? (__b__) : (__c__))
00045 #endif
00047 #if defined(AK_XBOX360) || defined (__PPU__) || defined(AK_WIIU_SOFTWARE)
00050 static AkForceInline AkReal32 AK_FPMin( AkReal32 fA, AkReal32 fB )
00051 {   
00052     return AK_FSEL(fA-fB,fB,fA);
00053 } 
00056 static AkForceInline AkReal32 AK_FPMax( AkReal32 fA, AkReal32 fB )
00057 {   
00058     return AK_FSEL(fA-fB,fA,fB);
00059 }
00062 static AkForceInline void AK_FPSetValGT( AkReal32 in_fComparandA, AkReal32 in_fComparandB, AkReal32 & io_fVariableToSet, AkReal32 in_fValueIfTrue )
00063 {   
00064     io_fVariableToSet = AK_FSEL( (in_fComparandB-in_fComparandA), io_fVariableToSet, in_fValueIfTrue );
00065 }
00068 static AkForceInline void AK_FPSetValGTE( AkReal32 in_fComparandA, AkReal32 in_fComparandB, AkReal32 & io_fVariableToSet, AkReal32 in_fValueIfTrue )
00069 {   
00070     io_fVariableToSet = AK_FSEL( (in_fComparandA-in_fComparandB), in_fValueIfTrue, io_fVariableToSet );
00071 }
00074 static AkForceInline void AK_FPSetValLT( AkReal32 in_fComparandA, AkReal32 in_fComparandB, AkReal32 & io_fVariableToSet, AkReal32 in_fValueIfTrue )
00075 {   
00076     io_fVariableToSet = AK_FSEL( (in_fComparandA-in_fComparandB), io_fVariableToSet, in_fValueIfTrue );
00077 }
00080 static AkForceInline void AK_FPSetValLTE( AkReal32 in_fComparandA, AkReal32 in_fComparandB, AkReal32 & io_fVariableToSet, AkReal32 in_fValueIfTrue )
00081 {   
00082     io_fVariableToSet = AK_FSEL( (in_fComparandB-in_fComparandA), in_fValueIfTrue, io_fVariableToSet );
00083 }
00085 #elif defined(__SPU__)
00087 // Note: spu_insert() and spu_promote should not compile to actual instructions on the SPU where everything is vector types
00090 static AkForceInline AkReal32 AK_FPMin( AkReal32 fA, AkReal32 fB )
00091 {   
00092     vec_float4 vA = spu_promote( fA, 0 );
00093     vec_float4 vB = spu_promote( fB, 0 );
00094     vec_float4 vSel = spu_sel(vA, vB, spu_cmpgt(vA, vB));
00095     return spu_extract( vSel, 0 );
00096 } 
00099 static AkForceInline AkReal32 AK_FPMax( AkReal32 fA, AkReal32 fB )
00100 {   
00101     vec_float4 vA = spu_promote( fA, 0 );
00102     vec_float4 vB = spu_promote( fB, 0 );
00103     vec_float4 vSel = spu_sel(vB, vA, spu_cmpgt(vA, vB));
00104     return spu_extract( vSel, 0 );
00105 }
00108 static AkForceInline void AK_FPSetValGT( AkReal32 in_fComparandA, AkReal32 in_fComparandB, AkReal32 & io_fVariableToSet, AkReal32 in_fValueIfTrue )
00109 {   
00110     vec_float4 vA = spu_promote( in_fComparandA, 0 );
00111     vec_float4 vB = spu_promote( in_fComparandB, 0 );
00112     vec_float4 vVTS = spu_promote( io_fVariableToSet, 0 );
00113     vec_float4 vVIT = spu_promote( in_fValueIfTrue, 0 );
00114     vVTS = spu_sel(vVTS, vVIT, spu_cmpgt(vA, vB));
00115     io_fVariableToSet = spu_extract( vVTS, 0 );
00116 }
00120 static AkForceInline void AK_FPSetValGTE( AkReal32 in_fComparandA, AkReal32 in_fComparandB, AkReal32 & io_fVariableToSet, AkReal32 in_fValueIfTrue )
00121 {   
00122     vec_float4 vA = spu_promote( in_fComparandA, 0 );
00123     vec_float4 vB = spu_promote( in_fComparandB, 0 );
00124     vec_float4 vVTS = spu_promote( io_fVariableToSet, 0 );
00125     vec_float4 vVIT = spu_promote( in_fValueIfTrue, 0 );
00126     vec_uint4 vCmp = spu_cmpgt(vA, vB);
00127     vCmp = spu_or( vCmp, spu_cmpeq( vA, vB ) );
00128     vVTS = spu_sel(vVTS, vVIT, vCmp);
00129     io_fVariableToSet = spu_extract( vVTS, 0 );
00130 }
00134 static AkForceInline void AK_FPSetValLT( AkReal32 in_fComparandA, AkReal32 in_fComparandB, AkReal32 & io_fVariableToSet, AkReal32 in_fValueIfTrue )
00135 {   
00136     vec_float4 vA = spu_promote( in_fComparandA, 0 );
00137     vec_float4 vB = spu_promote( in_fComparandB, 0 );
00138     vec_float4 vVTS = spu_promote( io_fVariableToSet, 0 );
00139     vec_float4 vVIT = spu_promote( in_fValueIfTrue, 0 );
00140     vec_uint4 vCmp = spu_cmpgt(vA, vB);
00141     vCmp = spu_nor( vCmp, spu_cmpeq( vA, vB ) );
00142     vVTS = spu_sel(vVTS, vVIT, vCmp);
00143     io_fVariableToSet = spu_extract( vVTS, 0 );
00144 }
00147 static AkForceInline void AK_FPSetValLTE( AkReal32 in_fComparandA, AkReal32 in_fComparandB, AkReal32 & io_fVariableToSet, AkReal32 in_fValueIfTrue )
00148 {   
00149     vec_float4 vA = spu_promote( in_fComparandA, 0 );
00150     vec_float4 vB = spu_promote( in_fComparandB, 0 );
00151     vec_float4 vVTS = spu_promote( io_fVariableToSet, 0 );
00152     vec_float4 vVIT = spu_promote( in_fValueIfTrue, 0 );
00153     vec_uint4 vCtl = spu_cmpgt(vA, vB);
00154     vCtl = spu_nand(vCtl,vCtl);
00155     vVTS = spu_sel(vVTS, vVIT, vCtl);
00156     io_fVariableToSet = spu_extract( vVTS, 0 );
00157 }
00159 #else
00162 static AkForceInline AkReal32 AK_FPMin( AkReal32 fA, AkReal32 fB )
00163 {   
00164     return (fA < fB ? fA : fB);
00165 } 
00168 static AkForceInline AkReal32 AK_FPMax( AkReal32 fA, AkReal32 fB )
00169 {   
00170     return (fA > fB ? fA : fB);
00171 }
00174 static AkForceInline void AK_FPSetValGT( AkReal32 in_fComparandA, AkReal32 in_fComparandB, AkReal32 & io_fVariableToSet, AkReal32 in_fValueIfTrue )
00175 {   
00176     if ( in_fComparandA > in_fComparandB )
00177         io_fVariableToSet = in_fValueIfTrue;
00178 }
00181 static AkForceInline void AK_FPSetValGTE( AkReal32 in_fComparandA, AkReal32 in_fComparandB, AkReal32 & io_fVariableToSet, AkReal32 in_fValueIfTrue )
00182 {   
00183     if ( in_fComparandA >= in_fComparandB )
00184         io_fVariableToSet = in_fValueIfTrue;
00185 }
00188 static AkForceInline void AK_FPSetValLT( AkReal32 in_fComparandA, AkReal32 in_fComparandB, AkReal32 & io_fVariableToSet, AkReal32 in_fValueIfTrue )
00189 {   
00190     if ( in_fComparandA < in_fComparandB )
00191         io_fVariableToSet = in_fValueIfTrue;
00192 }
00195 static AkForceInline void AK_FPSetValLTE( AkReal32 in_fComparandA, AkReal32 in_fComparandB, AkReal32 & io_fVariableToSet, AkReal32 in_fValueIfTrue )
00196 {   
00197     if ( in_fComparandA <= in_fComparandB )
00198         io_fVariableToSet = in_fValueIfTrue;
00199 }
00201 #endif
00203 #endif //_AK_FP_UTILS_H_

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