

Wwise Source and Effect Plug-in Troubleshooting Guide

Problem: At startup, Wwise displays an error message stating that two plug-ins have the same Company ID and Plug-in ID.

Problem: My plug-in is not available to the user in Wwise.

Problem: One of the controls in my plug-in's user interface is empty or disabled.

  • Verify that the property name specified in the control's text in the resources (for example Prop=SineFrequency) is the same as the name specified in your plug-in description file (for example Property Name="SineFrequency"). Refer to "Prop" Control Attribute and Properties Tag for more information.
  • Verify that the control class (for example Class=SuperRange) is suitable for the property's type. Refer to "Class" Control Attribute and Properties Tag for more information.

Problem: One of the Wwise controls in my plug-in's user interface does not appear correctly.

Problem: My plug-in doesn't recognize property changes in the UI.

  • Verify that the AudioEnginePropertyID specified in your plug-in definition file is in the 0-32767 range. Refer to Properties Tag for more information about the AudioEnginePropertyID tag.
  • Verify that the AudioEnginePropertyID specified in your plug-in definition file matches the ID you use in your implementation of AK::IAkEffectParam::SetParam(). Refer to Properties Tag for more information about the AudioEnginePropertyID tag, and AK::IAkPluginParam::SetParam() for details about implementing AK::IAkEffectParam::SetParam().

Problem: My plug-in works in Wwise but not in my game

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