This document is provided to help you make your plug-ins compatible with all aspects of the Wwise platform. We provide a set of guidelines and a list of specific tests that will make sure you are covering all areas of the software. The tests and guidelines listed here should be considered as requirements when deploying your plug-ins to a large audience.
By passing this series of tests, your plug-ins will be more stable and will have a greater chance of working with the complete feature set of Wwise.
Maximum Size: The content of your plug-in UI should fit in a size of 1000x650 pixels to accommodate smaller laptop screens.
Resizable: Handling of the
message in the WindowProc
function is recommended. This allows the user to obtain a smaller or a larger workspace depending on the emphasis given to the plug-in. It also helps the plug-in to better adapt to the Wwise layout system.
Usage of the default controls: Using the default control is not mandatory, but it has several advantages:
The RTPC icon automatically appears for properties that support it.
Control interaction is standard across Wwise (slider behavior, keyboard modifiers, context menus, and so on).
Link/Unlink is supported (for Source plug-ins only).
Slider ranges are automatically adjusted based on the property definitions.
Capitalization: For text (labels, check-boxes, radio buttons, buttons, tooltips, and so on) use sentence-style capitalization.
Modeless Dialog: Do not create modeless dialogs (non-child) from the plug-in window. This will conflict with Wwise's layout system and could potentially create bugs. Use modal dialogs instead, but restrict their usage to a minimum (For Open/Save file dialogs, User/System Settings, Message Boxes, and so on).
Avoid flickering: When resizing the plug-in window, no flickering should occur.
Support for RTPCs: Whenever this is possible and make sense, you should try to support RTPCs for your properties. This allows binding game inputs to plug-in properties and brings more flexibility.
Non-linear sliders: For sliders that have non linear audible distribution of their value range, such as volume sliders in decibels, use non-linear distribution of the pixel range versus the property range.
Use the property restrictions: When defining the properties in the XML plug-in definition, define, whenever this is possible, a restriction range or enumeration for your properties. These restrictions are used to:
Automatically adjust slider ranges
Determine the RTPC range in the RTPC graph
Validate and adjust the property values at project load, to ensure the integrity of the project.
3rd-party plugin vendors must comply to the following requirements. We recommend that in-house title developers follow them as well.
Stability: Your plugin must not crash, assert, freeze, or leak memory.
Memory allocation: Never call new() or malloc() in the Sound Engine part of your plugin. Always allocate memory through the AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc allocator that is passed to your plugin by the Wwise sound engine, by using the macros AK_PLUGIN_NEW, AK_PLUGIN_DELETE, AK_PLUGIN_ALLOC and AK_PLUGIN_FREE defined in IAkPlugin.h.
Verify allocated memory: In the Sound Engine part of your plugin, always verify that memory allocation was successful before using it. If memory allocation fails, your plugin should return gracefully with AK_Fail (if applicable).
Declare supported channel configurations: The Sound Engine part of your plugin should return AK_UnsupportedChannelConfig for channel configurations that it does not support.
Plugin performance: The run-time performance of your plugin should be reasonably constant across all calls to AK::IAkInPlaceEffectPlugin::Execute() (or equivalent) during its lifetime.
Initialization, termination, and all other functions of the Sound Engine plugins API should also not take significantly longer than Execute().
This restriction does not apply when non-RTPC-able parameters are edited in the Wwise authoring tool and applied live in your plugin. In the worst case, changing such a parameter should take no more than the time it takes to teardown and reinitialize the Sound Engine part of the plugin.
Assertions: Use the AKASSERT macro instead of native assert.
Add the following line of code in the main cpp file of the Wwise part of your plugin: DEFINEDUMMYASSERTHOOK;
This macro is defined in AudioPlugin.h, and ensures that the Sound Engine part of your plugin links properly when built inside the DLL used by the Wwise authoring tool.
Usability: Your plugin should be functional as soon as it is inserted in the authoring tool. By functional, we mean that it should be able to play and will not cause errors during soundbank generation, without having to rely on the user to perform any action, like opening the Effect Editor for example.
In the Project Explorer, create a new Sound
In the Contents Editor, create a new Instance of your source plug-in
Double-click the newly created source
Verify that the default values are set
Play the source
Verify that the source plays correctly
In the Project Explorer, double-click an existing sound
In the Property Editor, switch to the Effects tab
On effect ID=0, click the ">>" button.
In the effect sub-menu, select "New..."
Select a work-unit
Click Edit
Verify that the default values are set
Play the Sound
Verify that the Sound plays with the effect applied
In the Project Explorer, double-click an existing sound
In the Property Editor, switch to the Effects tab
On effect ID=0, click the ">>" button.
In the effect sub-menu, select "Default (Custom)"
Click Edit
Verify that the default values are set
Play the Sound
Verify that the Sound plays with the effect applied
In the Project Explorer, double-click an existing sound
In the Property Editor, switch to the Effects tab
On effect ID=0, click the ">>" button.
In the effect sub-menu, select "New..."
Select a work-unit
Click Edit
Modify the property values
On the Effect tab of the Property Editor, change the Effect mode to "Define custom"
Click Edit
Verify that the effect has the modified property values
Create a Sound with an effect
Modify the property values of the effect
In the Project Explorer, copy the Sound (CTRL+C)
In Project Explorer, paste it somewhere (CTRL+V)
Verify that the effect is applied to the copied Sound and has the modified property values
Create a Sound with a source plug-in
Modify the property values of the source
In the Project Explorer, copy the Sound (CTRL+C)
In the Project Explorer, paste it somewhere (CTRL+V)
Verify that the copied Sound contains a Source with the modified property values
Create a Sound with an effect
Modify the property values of the effect
On the Effects tab of the Property Editor, remove the effect
Undo (CTRL+Z)
Verify that the effect has been restored with the modified property values
Redo (CTRL+Y)
Create a Sound with an effect
Modify the property values of the effect
In the Project Explorer, delete the Sound
Undo (CTRL+Z)
Verify that the effect has been restored with the modified property values
Redo (CTRL+Y)
Create a Sound with a source plug-in
Modify the property values of the source
In the Contents Editor, delete the source
Undo (CTRL+Z)
Verify that the source has been restored with the modified property values
Redo (CTRL+Y)
Create a Sound with a source plug-in
Modify the property values of the source
In the Project Explorer, delete the Sound
Undo (CTRL+Z)
Verify that the source has been restored with the modified property values
Redo (CTRL+Y)
For each property or modifiable element:
Modify the value
Open the Edit menu - Verify the name of the Undo event
Create an effect or source plug-in with a modified property
Save the Project
Close the Project
Reopen the Project
Verify that the source or effect exists with the modified property values
Create a Sound with a Source/Effect
In the plug-in RTPC tab, click the ">>"
Make sure all properties that support RTPCs are listed
Make sure all property names use sentence-style capitalization
Create a Sound with a Source/Effect
Add all properties to the RTPC list
For each property:
Verify that the range is correct
Verify that the default value is correct
Create a Sound with a Source/Effect
For each property supporting an RTPC:
Add property to RTPC list
Play the parent Sound
While playing, change the Game Parameter bound to the Property
Create a Sound with a Source/Effect
Play the Sound containing the effect/source (make the Sound looping if the Sound is too short)
While playing, for each property:
Change the value
Create a Sound with a Source/Effect
Enable Looping on the Sound (set to Infinite)
Play the sound
Make sure no glitches are heard
Re-do test with different plug-in property values
Create a Sound with a Source/Effect
Place the parent Sound in a Random Container
Set the Random Container to: PlayMode=Continuous, Loop=Infinite
Play the Random Container
Make sure no glitches are heard
Re-do test with different plug-in property values
Create a Sound with a Source/Effect
Place the parent Sound in a Random Container
Set the Random Container to: PlayMode=Continuous, Loop=Infinite
Set the Random Container to: Transition=Sample Accurate
Play the Random Container
Make sure no glitches are heard
Re-do test with different plug-in property values
In the Project Settings dialog, set the Volume Threshold to -5 db
Create a Sound with a Source
On the Advanced Settings tab of the Property Editor, set WhenBelowVolumeTheshold=SendToVirtualVoice
Play the Sound
Set Sound Volume=-6 db
Make sure no glitches are heard
Set Sound Volume=0 db
Make sure no glitches are heard
Re-do test with different plug-in property values
For Sounds with the following channel configuration: 0.1, 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1
Place an effect on Sound
Play the Sound
Create a Bus with an Effect
For Sounds with the following channel configuration: 0.1, 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1
Route a Sound to this Bus
Play the Sound
Create a Sound with an Effect
Using the SoundCaster, play the Sound multiple times simultaneously
Create a Bus with an Effect
Route several Sounds to this Bus
Using the SoundCaster, play multiple Sounds (routed to the bus) simultaneously
Testing your plug-in in-game is required to cover areas that can't be tested in Wwise, such as:
Code running on other platforms: PS3, Xbox360, Wii, etc
SoundBank generating/loading of plug-in parameters
Rendered effects
Environmental effects
To facilitate in-game testing, the Game Simulator can be used to build test scripts. Here are the steps required to make a script and run it in the Game Simulator.
In your project:
Create a SoundBank
Create an event that plays your Sound
Add your event to the SoundBank
Generate your SoundBank
Install the Game Simulator (must be the same version of Wwise that you are using)
Make a copy of AkSampleNoCoroutines.lua or AkSampleWithCoroutines.lua from the Scripts folder in the Game Simulator install directory.
Modify the lua script so it loads your own bank, and plays your event.
Run the lua script by using the appropriate Game Simulator, on the selected platform.
Create a Sound with an Effect
On the Effects Tab of the Property Editor, enable "Render" for the effect.
Play the Sound in-game
Help is available in Wwise Source and Effect Plug-in Troubleshooting Guide if you run into any problem.