

Assigning Files to a Package Automatically

Manually adding files to a package can be time consuming, so the File Packager allows you to create a set of rules that automatically assigns groups of files to specific packages based on language and/or file type. By setting these rules, you can greatly reduce the time it takes to populate your packages.

[Note] Note

The Default File Assignment tools only route files that have not been explicitly assigned to a package manually.

To route unassigned files to a package automatically:

  1. In the Default file assignment view of the File Packager, assign the SoundBanks and/or streamed files for each language/SFX entry in the list to a specific package.

  2. Assign all remaining SoundBanks to a specific package by selecting a package from the appropriate list.

  3. Assign all remaining streamed files to a specific package by selecting a package from the appropriate list.

    All files that have not explicitly been assigned to a package manually are automatically assigned to their appropriate package.

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