Wwise 301 L2-04 | Custom Volumetric Scripts

This video is part of the learning material for the Wwise-301 Certification: Wwise Unity Integration. If you want to follow the steps shown in this video, make sure to download the Wwise Adventure Game and Wwise from the Wwise Launcher, along with Unity. To learn more about how to get setup for the Wwise-301 Certification, go to Lesson 0.

We also recommend that you complete the Wwise-101 Certification prior to trying out the Wwise-301 Certification.

Disclaimer: This video only covers part of the documentation. Make sure to follow the complete related lesson before attempting the Wwise-301 quiz.

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조회수 3011

관련 영상


Wwise and Unity - Basic Raycasting to create Occlusion parameters


Wwise & Unity - Ambient Areas and Ignored Areas as arrays.


Wwise and Unity - Controlling ambient areas with ignored areas.

관련 영상


Wwise and Unity - Basic Raycasting to create Occlusion parameters

조회수 4232

Wwise & Unity - Ambient Areas and Ignored Areas as arrays.

조회수 835