Introduction & State of Wwise | Wwise Tour Hilversum 2023

Join Simon Ashby as he unpacks the latest advancements and features in Wwise, including:

UI Framework: Get an in-depth look at the new UI Framework and roadmap to see how it can streamline your workflow.

Game Integrations: Discover the latest updates on how Wwise is simplifying game integrations and version upgrades.

UX and Profiler Enhancements: Learn about the improvements in user experience and the powerful new profiler tools.

Spatial Audio Updates: Stay ahead of the curve with the exciting updates in spatial audio technology.

This session is a must-watch for all Wwise users looking to stay up-to-date with Wwise’s cutting-edge features. Don't miss out on this opportunity to have a glimpse at the product roadmap.

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The Audiokinetic blog covers a wide range of interactive audio-related topics, including sound design methodologies, implementation strategies for audio assets, interactive music composition techniques, cutting-edge advancements in game audio technology, in-depth interviews with industry leaders, optimization tips for audio performance, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into the creative process driving current gaming projects.

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