Wwise Tour 2019 - XBox GameStudios Publishing (1 of 2) Crackdown 3: Physics and Destruction

For this Wwise Tour presentation, sound designer James Nixon gives a two part talk on the physics systems of Crackdown 3. Starting with an overview of the prop physics system found in Campaign Mode and then moving on to the challenges of cloud based destruction in the multiplayer Wrecking Zone.

조회수 554

관련 영상


Wwise Tour 2019 - XBox GameStudios Publishing (2 of 2) Crackdown 3: Physics and Destruction


Wwise Tour 2018 - Tencent Games (1 of 5) Sound Design of Mobile Game "Arena of Valor"


Wwise Tour 2018 - Tencent Games (2 of 5) "Call of Duty Mobile" Sound Design Concept

관련 영상


Wwise Tour 2019 - XBox GameStudios Publishing (2 of 2) Crackdown 3: Physics and Destruction

조회수 318

Wwise Tour 2018 - Tencent Games (1 of 5) Sound Design of Mobile Game "Arena of Valor"

조회수 1383

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