Wwise Unreal - Chapter 04B: Character - Footstep Surface Type V2

In this guide we will implement player character footsteps to be triggered by Unreal Blueprint nodes and animation timeline tagging.
We add a Wwise Switch so footstep assets can change depending on the surface type the player character moves over.

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#GameAudio #Unreal #Wwise #Tutorial #Guide

조회수 5379

관련 영상


Wwise Unreal - Chapter 04A: Character - Animations V2


Wwise Unreal - Chapter 03F: Environment - Waterfall V2


Wwise Unreal - Chapter 03E: Environment - Start & Stop Events Via Box Triggers V2

관련 영상


Wwise Unreal - Chapter 04A: Character - Animations V2

조회수 2062

Wwise Unreal - Chapter 03F: Environment - Waterfall V2

조회수 1279