Wwise: Episode 2 - Sequence Containers

Cujo Sound - WhiteNoiseTrash: Is a video game audio development channel by Bjørn Jacobsen.

I discuss game audio development, implementation, asset creation, thoughts, ideas, opinions. Everything from home made simple recordings, over in-engine implementation to massive final productions of cinematics.

Wwise Series Episode Two.

This episode will touch upon basic sequence containers and some good ways of combining assets with them, it will still be quite baisc - but further down the road I will dig deeper into combination effects and chains of all the different types of containers and I'll create footstep examples out of as many ways I can think of as possible.

Be this some creative inspiration for you - or if you are brand new to Wwise then perhaps a small tutorial.
As always feel free to ask if there is anything that is unclear and I'll clarify.

조회수 3458

관련 영상


Wwise and Unity - Animation events to trigger sound events. By Cujo Sound


MaxAttacks: Wwise - Source Control


Wwise and Unity - Re-use your 3D Emitter prefab: Cujo Sound

관련 영상


Wwise and Unity - Animation events to trigger sound events. By Cujo Sound

조회수 8969

MaxAttacks: Wwise - Source Control

조회수 3902