Wwise Tour 2016 - CD Projekt Red Witcher (1 of 6) - Under the Hood

Game: The Witcher - Wild Hunt

Wwise Tour 2016, Warsaw, Poland. The Witcher - Wild Hunt, by CD Projekt Red. Presented by Krzysztof Lipka, Senior Sound Designer and Sound Team Coordinator, Pawel Daudzward, Senior Sound Designer, Marcin Przybylowicz, Music Director and Composer and Colin Walder, Senior Audio Programmer. Wwise by Audiokinetic. https://www.audiokinetic.com/

In this short video, Colin Walder, Senior Audio Programmer, presents the audio team behind The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and introduces some context and perspective about their decision to adopt Wwise.

Krzysztof Lipka – Sound Team Coordinator
Paweł Daudzward – Sr. Sound Designer
Marcin Przybyłowicz – Music Director / Composer
Colin Walder – St. Audio Programmer

조회수 5057

관련 영상


Wwise Tour 2016 - CD Projekt Red Witcher (2 of 6) - Ambience


Wwise Tour 2016 - CD Projekt Red Witcher (3 of 6) - Crowds and Walla


Wwise Tour 2016 - CD Projekt Red Witcher (4 of 6) - Combat: Global Approach

관련 영상


Wwise Tour 2016 - CD Projekt Red Witcher (2 of 6) - Ambience

조회수 9866

Wwise Tour 2016 - CD Projekt Red Witcher (3 of 6) - Crowds and Walla

조회수 4527

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