Wwise Tour 2016 - Playdead INSIDE (1 of 3) - Unbreaking Immersion

Game: Inside

Wwise Tour 2016, Warsaw, Poland. Inside by Playdead. Presented by Martin Stig Andersen, Composer & Sound Designer at Playdead and Jakob Schmid, Audio Programmer at Playdead. Wwise by Audiokinetic. https://www.audiokinetic.com/

Andersen introduces Jakob Schmid, Audio Programmer, and the other members of the audio team behind Inside before describing his vision behind ‘Unbreaking Immersion’, a system offering:

A natural and adaptable audio playback
An integration of physical and emotional states

Following his introduction, Anderson jumps right into the game and connects Wwise to solo the character’s ‘Voice’. The character’s ‘Voice’ is composed of breathing and footsteps, and the details and considerations are astounding. This will be explained in details by Schmid, in the next video.

조회수 9241

관련 영상


Wwise Tour 2016 - Playdead INSIDE (2 of 3) - Voice


Wwise Tour 2016 - Playdead INSIDE (3 of 3) - Scene Change


Wwise Tour 2016 - CD Projekt Red Witcher (1 of 6) - Under the Hood

관련 영상


Wwise Tour 2016 - Playdead INSIDE (2 of 3) - Voice

조회수 7595

Wwise Tour 2016 - Playdead INSIDE (3 of 3) - Scene Change

조회수 15070

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