Wwise Tour 2019 - Skywalker Sound (1 of 2) Skywalker Sound's approach to immersive spatial audio

Kevin Bolen and Bill Rudolph present Skywalker Sound's approach to immersive spatial audio for ILMxLAB's Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series and Ralph Breaks VR. By combining cinematic sound design with Audiokinetic Wwise and Oculus spatial audio tools, the Skywalker Sound team builds immersive soundscapes that allow the audience to "Step Inside Our Stories."

조회수 2149

관련 영상


Wwise Tour 2019 - Skywalker Sound (2 of 2) Immersive location-based experience "War Remains"


Wwise Tour Seattle 2019 - GME Presentation


Wwise Tour 2019 - XBox GameStudios Publishing (1 of 2) Crackdown 3: Physics and Destruction

관련 영상


Wwise Tour 2019 - Skywalker Sound (2 of 2) Immersive location-based experience "War Remains"

조회수 552

Wwise Tour Seattle 2019 - GME Presentation

조회수 635

Wwise 투어

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