
Wwise Tour 2018 - Remedy Entertainment (3 of 3) Gameplay Music in Control

Remedy Entertainment
Technical Audio Solutions - From Quantum Break to Control

Part 3: Gameplay Music in Control

Filmed in Stockholm on November 8, 2018. Presented by Martin Bussy-Pâris, senior technical audio designer, and Perttu Lindroos, senior audio programmer.

조회수 1816

관련 영상


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Wwise Tour 2016 - Shanghai : CD Project Red - The Witcher 3 (Presentation in Chinese)


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관련 영상


Wwise Tour 2016 - Shanghai : Tencent (Presentation in Chinese)

조회수 517

Wwise Tour 2016 - Shanghai : CD Project Red - The Witcher 3 (Presentation in Chinese)

조회수 2286

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