How to Succeed in Audio

사운드 디자인

The path to success in the world of audio isn’t as obvious or as straightforward as it might be in other industries. Are you wondering how to evolve your career in sound? There are so many job possibilities, where do you start?


What are some options for careers in Sound design?

There are many industries in which sound design lives. There’s sound design for film, video games, LBE. What is the difference? What skills do you need?  There’s also ADR Recording and Audio programming. There's sound design in the Automotive Industry, as well as interactive music design. These are just to name a few.

Here’s a list of some avenues you can pursue in audio:

  • Sound Editing
  • Sound for Advertising
  • Production Sound
  • Sound Design for Games
  • Sound Design for Animation
  • Sound Design for Television
  • Audio Branding
  • Music Editing
  • Sound for VR/AR/MR
  • Field Recording
  • Foley work
  • Teaching Sound

The possibilities are limitless, but the journey to success may not be clear if you're just starting, or thinking about starting. Luckily our friends at ‘A Sound effect'  put together "The Success Guide from A Sound Effect." You'll find detailed insights from top professionals in Audio across all industries. This guide is rich with concrete examples of gear, networking advice and other tips and tricks to stand out. 



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