

Property Editor:Audio Bus

The Property Editor contains the properties for the selected Audio Bus. You can adjust the overall Volume, Pitch, Low-pass filter, High-pass filter, ducking properties amongst others.






(Object Color)




(Mute and Solo)










(Show references)


ボタンを選択すると 「Referenceビュー」 が開き、 References to: フィールドにオブジェクト名が表示されます。

Enter text in the search field to find specific properties or property groups. Results are displayed as you type. The search is not case-sensitive and searches all properties associated with an object, even if their category is not selected for display.

When a search is active, an x appears at the far-right side of the field and all category buttons are unavailable. Click the x to clear the search.

(Only Show Modified)

When selected, only properties that have been modified from their default value are displayed and all category filter buttons are unavailable. If a search is active, it is only applied to modified properties.

Modified properties are displayed with an orange band at the left side of the property list and at the left side of the corresponding category button.

(Show/Hide Category Filters)

Opens a list of all categories associated with the object currently loaded in the Property Editor. For each category selected in the list, a corresponding button is displayed at the top of the list of properties. Select these buttons to display the related properties. Ctrl+click or Shift+click to select multiple buttons.

Always Show Additional Properties expands the less frequently used properties, which are collapsed by default.

(More Options)

Opens the following options:

  • Reset Expand/Collapse to Default: Returns to the default expansion.

  • Collapse All: Collapses all categories and groups in the Property Editor.

  • Expand All: Expands all categories and groups in the Property Editor.

(Open Property Editor Settings)

Opens the 「Object Property Settings」 dialog, which allows you to configure which properties are available for display in the Property Editor.

(Open in New Window)

Duplicates the Property Editor as a floating view. An instance of the editor remains in the Object Tab.


Interface element



Bus Volume

バスレベル、またはAuxiliary Busレベルでオーディオ信号に適用される減衰(レベルまたは振幅)。ボリュームの詳細については ボイスパイプラインを理解する を参照。



Default value: 0

Range: -200 to 200

Units: dB

Bus Configuration

Determines in which configuration the bus output is formatted and can affect the processing status of the bus. You can use this setting to save CPU and memory by deferring mixing until further along the bus pipeline or reducing the number of channels for which Effects inserted on a bus must be processed.

Some of the available options are:

  • Same as parent - The bus inherits the bus configuration of its parent bus and has the potential to be non-mixing. This would save CPU and memory by propagating the properties of the bus to its input without requiring any processing. However, if the bus has certain features such as Effects, processing is performed and the potential savings are lost. Refer to Understanding the Bus Icons and Processing Status for further details.

  • Same as main mix - The bus inherits the bus configuration of the Main Mix of the Audio Device at the end of the bus pipeline. This option provides flexibility in that the bus configuration is determined by the endpoint at runtime.

  • Same as passthrough mix - The bus inherits the bus configuration of the Passthrough Mix of the Audio Device at the end of the bus pipeline. This option provides flexibility in that the bus configuration is determined by the endpoint at runtime. If 3D audio is active and the endpoint supports the Passthrough Mix, the bus output is formatted as 2.0. Otherwise, the bus functions as if Same as main mix were selected.

  • Audio Objects - The bus produces Audio Objects. These are audio buffers accompanied by Metadata that, if all conditions are met, could be passed to an endpoint to be rendered with spatialized effects.

The Bus Configuration of any top-level bus, such as the Master Audio Bus, is automatically set to Defined by device. This is because these busses always inherit the bus configuration of the associated Audio Device.

For more information on these and other options in the list, refer to Understanding Bus Configurations .

Default value: Same as parent


Recovery Time

現在のAudio Busの信号の終了から、ダッキングされた複数の信号のフェードイン開始までの時間。

単位: s

Default value: 1

Range: 0 to 10

Maximum ducking volume

The maximum amount by which the volume of a listed bus can be lowered by the current bus. Use the slider to select a value from 0 to -96. To select a value from -97 to -200, use the keyboard or mousewheel.

Default value: -96

Range: -200 to 0

Units: dB


Interface element



Override Color


Default value: false



Default value: 0

Range: 0 to 26


Voice Volume

バスにルーティングする前、またはAuxiliary Busに送る前に、現在のオーディオオブジェクトに適用する減衰(レベルまたは振幅)。ボリュームの詳細については ボイスパイプラインを理解する を参照。



Default value: 0

Range: -200 to 200

Units: dB

Voice Pitch

The playback speed of an audio structure, where:

  • Pitch 0 = 通常のスピード

  • Pitch 1200 = 2倍速

  • Pitch 2400 = 4倍速

  • Pitch -1200 = 0.5倍速

  • Pitch -2400 = 0.25倍速


1200 centsは、1オクターブに等しい。

Default value: 0

Range: -2400 to 2400

Units: Cents

Voice Low-pass Filter



(—詳しくは ローパスとハイパスフィルタ値と対応するカットオフ周波数を関連付ける を参照。)

Default value: 0

Range: 0 to 100

Voice High-pass Filter



Default value: 0

Range: 0 to 100

Make-up Gain

ボイスに対する他のボリューム調整を全て行ったあと、最後に適用するボリュームゲイン(dB単位)。メイクアップゲインは、Actor-Mixer Hierarchy全体を通して、加算される。

ボイスの処理方法、ルーティング順序、各種ボリュームやエフェクトの適用位置などについては ボイスパイプラインを理解する を参照。

Make-up Gainの詳細は ラウドネスノーマライゼーション、またはメイクアップゲインを使い、ボリュームを調整する を参照。



Default value: 0

Range: -200 to 200

Units: dB






