
Wwise Unreal Integration Documentation
Spatial Audioオブジェクトのブループリント関数


  • ConvertMesh: Converts the parent mesh to FAkGeometryData, a structure usable with Spatial Audio Geometry. スタティックメッシュタイプには、親メッシュのインデックスや頂点を使います。タイプがSimpleコリジョンメッシュであれば、親のBodySetupを、 FAkGeometryData に変換します。If the simple collision is composed of box, sphere or capsule primitives, a bounding box for each of the primitives is used. Simpleコリジョンに凸型ハル(convex hull)のプリミティブがある場合は、そのインデックスや頂点を使います。
  • RemoveGeometry: Calls AK:SpatialAudio::RemoveGeometry() to remove the geometry in Spatial Audio.
  • UpdateGeometry: Sends the FAkGeometryData components to Spatial Audio.


  • AssociateAkTextureSetComponent: Sets the component to use to estimate the HFDamping. For example, in a Blueprint that has a static mesh component with an AkGeometry child component, you can call this function in BeginPlay to associate that AkGeometry component with this reverb component. If this late reverb component has a sibling geometry component (or surface reflector set component), it is associated automatically and it is not necessary to call this function.


-SetAttenuationScalingFactor: Sets the attenuation scaling factor, which modifies the attenuation computations on the game object to simulate sounds with a larger or smaller area of effect.

  • GetPrimitiveParent: Returns the UPrimitiveComponent attached to this Ak Room Component.
  • SetReverbZone: Establishes a parent-child relationship between this AkRoomComponent and a parent AkRoomComponent and allows for sound propagation between them as if they were the same Room, without the need for a connecting AkPortalComponent. Setting a Room as a Reverb Zone is useful in situations where two or more acoustic environments are not easily modeled as closed Rooms connected by Portals. Possible uses for Reverb Zones include: a covered area with no walls, a forested area within an outdoor space, or any situation where multiple reverb effects are desired within a common space. Reverb Zones have many advantages compared to standard Game-Defined Auxiliary Sends (that is compared to the AkLateReverbComponent or the AkReverbVolume). They are part of the wet path, and form reverb chains with other Rooms; they are spatialized according to their 3D extent; they are also subject to other acoustic phenomena simulated in Wwise Spatial Audio, such as diffraction and transmission. 親ルームは複数のReverb Zoneを持つことができますが、Reverb Zoneの親は1つだけです。If a Room is already assigned to a parent Room, it is first removed from the old parent (exactly as if RemoveReverbZone were called), and is then assigned to the new parent Room. A Reverb Zone can be the parent of another Reverb Zone. A Room cannot be its own parent. The automatically created 'Outdoors' Room is commonly used as a parent Room for Reverb Zones, because they often model open spaces. A Reverb Zone needs to be a Room component with an associated geometry. This function also sets a transition region between the Reverb Zone and its parent. The transition region acts the same way as Portal depth, but is centered around the Reverb Zone geometry (see AkPortalComponent for more details about the Portal depth). Transition regions are only added on surfaces where transmission loss is set to 0.
  • RemoveReverbZone: Removes this Reverb Zone from its parent. Sound can no longer propagate between the two Rooms, unless they are explicitly connected with a Portal.
  • SetGeometryComponent: Sets the geometry component to use to send the geometry of the room to Wwise. For example, in a Blueprint that has a static mesh component with an AkGeometry child component, this function can be called in BeginPlay to associate that AkGeometry component with this room component. If this room component has a sibling geometry component (or surface reflector set component), they are automatically associated and there is no need to call this function.


Several Wwise-specific actions can be executed on AkPortalComponent objects. These are available in the Ak Portal Component Category.

  • EnablePortal: Enables the portal. Emitters positioned in the AkRoomComponent in front of and behind the portal emit through it.
  • DisablePortal: Disables the portal. Emitters positioned in the AkRoomComponent in front of and behind the portal do not emit through it.
  • GetCurrentState: Returns an AkAcousticPortalState, which represents the current state of the portal (Enabled or Disabled).
  • GetPortalOcclusion: Returns a floating point number between 0 and 1 that represents the occlusion value applied to the portal. A value of 0 indicates that the portal is not occluded and a value of 1 indicates that it is completely occluded.
  • SetPortalOcclusion: Sets a new portal occlusion value. A value of 0 indicates that the portal is not occluded and a value of 1 indicates that it is completely occluded. The occlusion value is applied to the portal with AK::SpatialAudio::SetPortalObstructionAndOcclusion. Portal occlusion can be used to modulate sound in response to a door opening or closing.
  • GetPrimitiveParent: Returns the UPrimitiveComponent attached to this Ak Portal Component.
  • PortalPlacementValid: ポータルのポジションとオリエンテーションが有効であれば、Trueを返します。Portals have a front and a back Room. They must have at least one connected Room, the front Room must be different than the back Room, and the Rooms cannot be a Reverb Zone and its parent. Refer to AkPortalComponent and AkRoomComponent for more information.


  • SendSurfaceReflectorSet: Calls AK:SpatialAudio::SetGeometry() to convert the brush's indices and vertices to Spatial Audio Geometry data and send it to Spatial Audio.
  • RemoveSurfaceReflectorSet: Calls AK:SpatialAudio::RemoveGeometry() to remove the geometry in Spatial Audio.
  • UpdateSurfaceReflectorSet: Calls SendSurfaceReflectorSet to send a new conversion of the brush to Spatial Audio.






