Wwise SDK 2024.1.3
Pastes properties, references and lists from one object to any number of target objects. Only those properties, references and lists which differ between source and target are pasted. Refer to Wwiseオブジェクトリファレンス for more information on the properties, references and lists available on each object type.
Name | タイプ | 概要 |
source * | any of: | The ID (GUID), name, or path of the source object. |
string | The name of the object qualified by its type or Short ID in the form of type:name or Global:shortId. Only object types that have globally-unique names or Short Ids are supported. Ex: Event:Play_Sound_01, Global:245489792 | |
string | オブジェクトGUIDで、その形式は: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}。 | |
string | Wwiseオブジェクトへのプロジェクトパスで、カテゴリと、ワークユニットを含みます。例えば: \Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\Default Work Unit\New Sound SFX. | |
targets * | array | Array of target objects to paste into. |
targets [...] | any of: | The ID (GUID), name, or path of the target object. |
string | The name of the object qualified by its type or Short ID in the form of type:name or Global:shortId. Only object types that have globally-unique names or Short Ids are supported. Ex: Event:Play_Sound_01, Global:245489792 | |
string | オブジェクトGUIDで、その形式は: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}。 | |
string | Wwiseオブジェクトへのプロジェクトパスで、カテゴリと、ワークユニットを含みます。例えば: \Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\Default Work Unit\New Sound SFX. | |
pasteMode | string | Paste mode for lists. Default value is "replaceEntire". With "replaceEntire" all elements in the lists of a target object are removed and all selected elements from the source's lists are copied. Conversely, with "addReplace" and "addKeep" elements in a target which are not in the source are not removed. Elements in the source's list which are not in a target's list are added to the target. For elements which are common to the source and a target "addReplace" will copy the one from the source, replacing the target's element, whereas "addKeep" will retain the element in the target. 可能な値:
inclusion | array | Array of properties, references and lists to include in the paste operation. When not specified, all properties, references and lists are included, and the exclusion defines which ones to exclude |
inclusion [...] | string | property, reference or list name. |
exclusion | array | Array of properties, references and lists to exclude from the paste operation. When not specified, no properties, references and lists are excluded. |
exclusion [...] | string | property, reference or list name. |
Wwise Authoring APIの詳細は、 Wwise Authoring API (WAAPI)を使用する を参照してください。