
警告:あなたのメジャーリリース ( 2024.1.2.8726 ) に該当する最新ドキュメンテーションが表示されています。特定バージョンのドキュメンテーションにアクセスするには、Audiokinetic Launcherでオフラインドキュメンテーションをダウンロードし、Wwise AuthoringのOffline Documentationオプションにチェックを入れてください。
Wwise SDK 2024.1.2
1 /***********************************************************************
2  The content of this file includes source code for the sound engine
3  portion of the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology and constitutes "Level
4  Two Source Code" as defined in the Source Code Addendum attached
5  with this file. Any use of the Level Two Source Code shall be
6  subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the Source Code
7  Addendum and the End User License Agreement for Wwise(R).
9  Copyright (c) 2025 Audiokinetic Inc.
10  ***********************************************************************/
12 #pragma once
17 // Inline-able functions for AK::HashTable
18 // Exposing enough functionality to be use by plug-in services and other things in non-header files
19 // For plug-ins, further functionality is provided by IAkPluginServiceHashTable
20 // For core soundengine execution, further functionality is provided in AkHashTable.h
21 namespace AK
22 {
24 namespace HashTable
25 {
26 namespace Internal
27 {
28  template<typename KeyType>
29  inline AkInt32 IdealPos(KeyType uKey, AkInt32 iEntriesMask)
30  {
31  return AkInt32(uKey) & iEntriesMask;
32  }
34  // returns how far away the current slot is from the key's ideal position
35  template<typename KeyType>
36  AkInt32 DistanceFromIdealPos(AkInt32 iSlot, KeyType uKey, AkInt32 iEntriesMask)
37  {
38  // subtraction against an unmasked key and then masking afterwards,
39  // will give same result as if we masked the slot and key individually, first
40  // (also wraparound of the slot relative to the ukey also washes away with the masking)
41  return (iSlot - AkInt32(uKey)) & iEntriesMask;
42  }
44  // Internal helper function for AkHashTableBase; don't call this directly, use AK::HashTable::Get* functions instead
45  template<typename KeyType>
46  inline AkInt32 LinearProbe(const KeyType* pKeys, const bool* pbSlotOccupied, KeyType uKey, AkInt32 iSlot, AkUInt32 uNumEntries)
47  {
48  AkInt32 iDistFromBestSlot = 0;
49  AkInt32 iEntriesMask = (AkInt32)uNumEntries - 1;
50  for (; ; )
51  {
52  if (!pbSlotOccupied[iSlot])
53  return -1;
54  KeyType keyInSlot = pKeys[iSlot];
55  if (keyInSlot == uKey)
56  break;
57  if (iDistFromBestSlot > DistanceFromIdealPos(iSlot, keyInSlot, iEntriesMask))
58  return -1;
59  iSlot = (iSlot + 1) & iEntriesMask;
60  ++iDistFromBestSlot;
61  }
62  return iSlot;
63  }
65  // Internal helper function for AkHashTableBase; don't call this directly, use AkHashTableGet* functions instead
66  inline AkInt32 OccupiedProbe(const bool* pbSlotOccupied, AkInt32 iSlot, AkInt32 iNumEntries)
67  {
68  while (iSlot < iNumEntries)
69  {
70  // 64-bit load to scan 8 pbSlotOccupieds at once
71  // (safe to load a bit past the end of slotOccupied region because we cap against iNumEntries anyway)
72  if (AkUInt64 slotOccCompressed = *((AkUInt64*)(pbSlotOccupied + iSlot)))
73  {
74  iSlot = iSlot + AKPLATFORM::AkBitScanForward64(slotOccCompressed) / 8;
75  iSlot = (iSlot >= iNumEntries) ? -1 : iSlot;
76  return iSlot;
77  }
78  else
79  {
80  iSlot += 8;
81  }
82  }
83  return -1;
84  }
85 } // namespace Internal
87  // returns either:
88  // the slot of the first valid entry that uKey maps to
89  // -1 if there are no valid entries at the table that uKey maps to
90  template<typename KeyType>
91  inline AkInt32 GetFirstSlotForKey(const AkHashTableBase<KeyType>* pHashTable, KeyType uKey)
92  {
93  if (pHashTable->uNumReservedEntries == 0)
94  return -1;
95  AkUInt32 uNumEntries = pHashTable->uNumReservedEntries;
96  AkInt32 iBestSlot = uKey & (uNumEntries - 1);
97  return Internal::LinearProbe(pHashTable->pKeys, pHashTable->pbSlotOccupied, uKey, iBestSlot, uNumEntries);
98  }
100  // returns either:
101  // the next slot after iPreviousIndex which contains a valid entry
102  // -1 if the next table after iPreviousIndex doesn't contain a valid entry
103  template<typename KeyType>
104  inline AkInt32 GetNextSlotForKey(const AkHashTableBase<KeyType>* pHashTable, KeyType uKey, AkInt32 iPreviousSlot)
105  {
106  if (pHashTable->uNumReservedEntries == 0)
107  return -1;
108  AkUInt32 uNumEntries = pHashTable->uNumReservedEntries;
109  AkInt32 iNextSlot = (iPreviousSlot + 1) & (uNumEntries - 1);
110  return Internal::LinearProbe(pHashTable->pKeys, pHashTable->pbSlotOccupied, uKey, iNextSlot, uNumEntries);
111  }
113  // returns either:
114  // the slot of the first occupied entry in the hash table
115  // -1 if there are no occupied entries in the table
116  template<typename KeyType>
118  {
119  return Internal::OccupiedProbe(pHashTable->pbSlotOccupied, 0, (AkInt32)pHashTable->uNumReservedEntries);
120  }
122  // returns either:
123  // the slot of the next occupied entry in the hash table (relative to iPreviousSlot)
124  // -1 if there are no occupied entries in the table after iPreviousSlot
125  template<typename KeyType>
126  inline AkInt32 GetNextActiveSlot(const AkHashTableBase<KeyType>* pHashTable, AkInt32 iPreviousSlot)
127  {
128  return Internal::OccupiedProbe(pHashTable->pbSlotOccupied, iPreviousSlot + 1, (AkInt32)pHashTable->uNumReservedEntries);
129  }
131  // runs the provided function over every active slot in the hashtable
132  // functype(AkUInt32 in_uSlot)
133  template<typename KeyType, typename FuncType>
134  inline void ForEachSlot(const AkHashTableBase<KeyType>* in_pHashTable, FuncType in_func)
135  {
136  AkUInt32 uNumReservedEntries = in_pHashTable->uNumReservedEntries;
137  bool* pbSlotOccupied = in_pHashTable->pbSlotOccupied;
138  for (AkUInt32 uBaseSlot = 0; uBaseSlot < uNumReservedEntries; uBaseSlot += 8)
139  {
140  AkUInt64 slotOccMask = *(AkUInt64*)(pbSlotOccupied + uBaseSlot);
141  while (slotOccMask)
142  {
143  AkUInt32 slotSubIdx = AKPLATFORM::AkBitScanReverse64(slotOccMask);
144  in_func(uBaseSlot + 7 - (slotSubIdx / 8));
145  slotOccMask ^= (0x8000000000000000ULL >> slotSubIdx);
146  }
147  }
148  }
150 } // namespace HashTable
151 } // namespace AK
void ForEachSlot(const AkHashTableBase< KeyType > *in_pHashTable, FuncType in_func)
Definition of data structures for AkAudioObject
AkForceInline AkUInt32 AkBitScanReverse64(AkUInt64 in_bits)
Definition: AkBitFuncs.h:148
AkInt32 GetNextSlotForKey(const AkHashTableBase< KeyType > *pHashTable, KeyType uKey, AkInt32 iPreviousSlot)
AkInt32 IdealPos(KeyType uKey, AkInt32 iEntriesMask)
AkForceInline AkUInt32 AkBitScanForward64(AkUInt64 in_bits)
Definition: AkBitFuncs.h:92
int32_t AkInt32
Signed 32-bit integer
AkInt32 GetFirstActiveSlot(const AkHashTableBase< KeyType > *pHashTable)
AkInt32 LinearProbe(const KeyType *pKeys, const bool *pbSlotOccupied, KeyType uKey, AkInt32 iSlot, AkUInt32 uNumEntries)
AkInt32 GetFirstSlotForKey(const AkHashTableBase< KeyType > *pHashTable, KeyType uKey)
uint64_t AkUInt64
Unsigned 64-bit integer
AkInt32 DistanceFromIdealPos(AkInt32 iSlot, KeyType uKey, AkInt32 iEntriesMask)
AkInt32 OccupiedProbe(const bool *pbSlotOccupied, AkInt32 iSlot, AkInt32 iNumEntries)
uint32_t AkUInt32
Unsigned 32-bit integer
AkInt32 GetNextActiveSlot(const AkHashTableBase< KeyType > *pHashTable, AkInt32 iPreviousSlot)






