
警告:あなたのメジャーリリース ( 2023.1.10.8659 ) に該当する最新ドキュメンテーションが表示されています。特定バージョンのドキュメンテーションにアクセスするには、Audiokinetic Launcherでオフラインドキュメンテーションをダウンロードし、Wwise AuthoringのOffline Documentationオプションにチェックを入れてください。
Wwise SDK 2023.1.10
What's New in 2013.2.9

2013.2.9 is a patch release. The following sections list and describe the changes made to Wwise between version 2013.2.8 and version 2013.2.9.


  • PS3: updated to SDK 460.001
  • Vita: updated to SDK 3.150
  • Xbox One: updated to July XDK
  • Android: updated to NDK r9d


  • Crankcase REV: Added Fundamental Frequency Output to Game Parameter.
  • GenAudio AstoundSound plug-ins now available on Mac.
  • WG-24667 (PS4) Now using new system API to query the actual speaker configuration of the output and assign it to the master bus.
  • WG-25392 (iOS, Android) Low-Level IO sample now has a AddBasePath() function to provide additional file paths for downloaded content. Other platforms can get this behavior using the sample code in AkMultipleFileLocation.h.
  • WG-25532 AK::SoundEngine::SetSpeakerAngles can now be used during playback.


  • WG-24397 (Xbox One) Fixed: Time stretch effect has phase issues in the output.
  • WG-24845 Fixed: unused variable compilation warnings in Wwise SDK header files.
  • WG-25110 Fixed: Music notifications are not posted when the event (custom cue, grid) occurs within the last audio frame of the segment's life.
  • WG-25313 (PS4) Fixed: issue with ATRAC-9 decoding.
  • WG-25383 (Windows) Fixed: DLL reference count issue in Motion.
  • WG-25395 Fixed: Full path to plug-in media is part of the conversion hash.
  • WG-25397 (Xbox One) AkSink_BGM and AkSink_Communication output now use new DVR exclusion flag from May XDK.
  • WG-25404 Fixed: Assert and stream starvation with sample-accurate containers with mixed virtual behavior.
  • WG-25417 Fixed: Motion LPF property causes SoundBank changes between generations.
  • WG-25419 Fixed: Android I/O cannot be reinitialized once terminated.
  • WG-25423 (Xbox One) Several fixes in XMA decoder.
  • WG-25447 Fixed: Crash when removing a listener on an object with aux sends.
  • WG-25484 Fixed: Fade-in during a transition to custom cue not working properly.
  • WG-25521 Fixed: CopyStreamedFiles.exe copies SFX streams used in language-specific banks to the wrong folder.
  • WG-25544 Fixed: Deleting a RTPC binding does not make the work unit dirty.
  • WG-25551 Fixed: Race condition in AK::MusicEngine::Init.
  • WG-25569 Fixed: variations in Vorbis encoding between PCs cause SoundBank differences.
  • WG-25577 Fixed: Occasional crash when terminating the sound engine on Windows after switching audio device.
  • WG-25587 (Xbox One) Fixed: WASAPI output does not initialize properly when console is set in 5.1.
  • WG-25618 Fixed: wrong error code returned from LoadBank when file is not found on POSIX platforms.






