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Wwise SDK 2023.1.10
What's New in 2011.1.1

2010.1.1 is a patch release. The following sections list and describe the changes made to Wwise between version 2011.1 and version 2011.1.1.


  • WG-19192 Fixed: Added missing .wcmdline files for new platforms.
  • WG-19238 Fixed: Generated Wwise_IDs.h does not compile when project contains 3DS effect sharesets
  • WG-19258 Fixed: Crash when using the Replace Files function in the Audio File Importer, and that Motion objects are present in the project.
  • WG-19260 Fixed: SoundBank Manager tree not refreshed upon creating a new SoundBank Work Unit
  • WG-19263 Fixed: Convolution Reverb produced a high pitched noise on top of the sound on iOS
  • WG-19288 Enabled rendering of the following effects on 3DS: McDSP FutzBox, McDSP Limiter, Wwise Delay.
  • WG-19290 Fixed compilation of READBANKDATA macro when using the SN Compiler on PS3.
  • WG-19293 Fixed: Occasional deadlock while loading soundbank on Xbox 360
  • WG-19295 Fixed: assert when using rendered effects on the 3DS.
  • WG-19296 Fixed: Crash when using arrow key on empty reference view in specific scenario
  • WG-19303 Fixed: Error when converting files used by multiple sounds which have been imported with varying case in filename.
  • WG-19312 Fixed: Crash in low memory conditions using McDSP ML1 effect
  • WG-19314 Fixed: overriding Playback Limit on environmental bus not functional in Wwise Authoring (although fine in-game).
  • WG-19329 Fixed: Multi-edit from List View or Query Editor does not work correctly when offsetting the values.






