Wwise SDK 2023.1.10
◆ StdChannelIndexToDisplayIndex()
Convert channel indices as they are ordered in standard (WAV) or Wwise sound engine (WEM) wave files (which follow channel mask bit values, except that the LFE is at the end in the case of WEMs) into display indices. Desired display order is L-R-C-SL-SR-RL-RR-HL-HR-HC-HRL-HRR-HRC-T-LFE. Note that 4-5.x configurations may define back or side channels. Either way they are "Surround" channels and are assigned to "SL, SR" names. AkSpeakerConfig.h の 406 行目に定義があります。 参照先 AK_SPEAKER_LOW_FREQUENCY, AK_SPEAKER_SETUP_FRONT, ChannelMaskToNumChannels(), ChannelOrdering_Standard, HasSideAndRearChannels(). |