33 #ifndef _AK_CALLBACK_H_
34 #define _AK_CALLBACK_H_
41 class IAkGlobalPluginContext;
42 class IAkMixerInputContext;
43 class IAkMixerPluginContext;
329 const void * in_pInMemoryBankPtr,
415 #endif // _AK_CALLBACK_H_
Interface to retrieve contextual information for a mixer.
@ AK_MIDIEvent
Enable notifications for MIDI events. AkCallbackInfo can be cast to AkMIDIEventCallbackInfo.
AK::IAkMixerInputContext * pContext
Context of the current voice/bus about to be mixed into the output bus with specified base volume and...
@ AkGlobalCallbackLocation_Num
Total number of global callback locations.
const char * strLabel
Label of the marker (null-terminated)
AkUniqueID audioNodeID
Audio Node ID of playing item
Resources data summary structure containing general information about the system
AK::AkMetering ** ppSystemAudioObjectMetering
Metering information for each System Audio Object (number of elements is equal to uNumSystemAudioObje...
AkInt32 AkTimeMs
Time in ms
char * pszUserCueName
Cue name (UTF-8 string). Set for notifications AK_MusicSyncUserCue. NULL if cue has no name.
@ AK_EndOfEvent
Callback triggered when reaching the end of an event. AkCallbackInfo can be cast to AkEventCallbackIn...
AkGameObjectID gameObjID
Game object ID
@ AkAudioDeviceEvent_Initialization
Sent after an Audio Device has initialized. Initialization might have failed, check the AKRESULT.
@ AK_MusicSyncEntry
Enable notifications on Music Entry Cue. AkCallbackInfo can be cast to AkMusicSyncCallbackInfo.
void(* AkResourceMonitorCallbackFunc)(const AkResourceMonitorDataSummary *in_pdataSummary)
@ AK_MusicSyncBar
Enable notifications on Music Bar. AkCallbackInfo can be cast to AkMusicSyncCallbackInfo.
AkReal32 * pfBaseVolume
Base volume, common to all channels.
@ AkGlobalCallbackLocation_EndRender
End of frame rendering.
AkChannelConfig mainMixConfig
Channel configuration of the main mix
AkUInt32 uPlaylistSelection
Selection: set by sound engine, modified by callback function (if not in range 0 <= uPlaylistSelectio...
@ AkGlobalCallbackLocation_Begin
Start of audio processing. The number of frames about to be rendered depends on the sink/end-point an...
@ AkGlobalCallbackLocation_Register
Right after successful registration of callback/plugin. Typically used by plugins along with AkGlobal...
AkChannelConfig outputConfig
Channel configuration of the output bus.
@ AK_Duration
Callback triggered when the duration of the sound is known by the sound engine. AkCallbackInfo can be...
@ AkGlobalCallbackLocation_End
End of audio processing.
AkTimeMs iActiveDuration
Duration of the active region of the segment (between the Entry and Exit Cues), in milliseconds.
AkChannelConfig inputConfig
Channel configuration of the voice/bus.
AkUInt64 AkGameObjectID
Game object ID
@ AK_MusicSyncAll
Use this flag if you want to receive all notifications concerning AK_MusicSync registration.
@ AkGlobalCallbackLocation_Term
Sound engine termination.
Standard function call result.
Interface to retrieve information about an input of a mix connection (for processing during the Speak...
void(* AkGlobalCallbackFunc)(AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext *in_pContext, AkGlobalCallbackLocation in_eLocation, void *in_pCookie)
Metering flags. Used for specifying bus metering, through AK::SoundEngine::RegisterBusVolumeCallback(...
AK::IAkMixerPluginContext * pMixerContext
Output mixing bus context. Use it to access a few useful panning and mixing services,...
Structure used to query info on active playing segments.
AkReal32 fBeatDuration
Beat Duration in seconds.
@ AK_CallbackBits
Bitmask for all callback types.
@ AkAudioDeviceEvent_SystemRemoval
Audio device was removed because of a system event (disconnection), hardware or driver problem....
void(* AkBusMeteringCallbackFunc)(AkBusMeteringCallbackInfo *in_pCallbackInfo)
@ AkGlobalCallbackLocation_Suspend
Sound engine suspension through AK::SoundEngine::Suspend
Type of callback. Used as a bitfield in methods AK::SoundEngine::PostEvent() and AK::SoundEngine::Dyn...
AkReal32 fDuration
Duration of the sound (unit: milliseconds)
@ AkGlobalCallbackLocation_WakeupFromSuspend
Sound engine awakening through AK::SoundEngine::WakeupFromSuspend
@ AkGlobalCallbackLocation_Init
Sound engine initialization.
void(* AkOutputDeviceMeteringCallbackFunc)(AkOutputDeviceMeteringCallbackInfo *in_pCallbackInfo)
AkTimeMs iPreEntryDuration
Duration of the pre-entry region of the segment, in milliseconds.
float AkReal32
32-bit floating point
AkChannelConfig passthroughMixConfig
Channel configuration of the passthrough mix (if any; will be invalid otherwise)
AK::AkMetering * pMetering
Struct containing metering information.
AK::AkMetering * pMainMixMetering
Metering information for the main mix
void * pCustomInfo
Custom info passed to the DynamicSequence::Open function
AkUniqueID eventID
Unique ID of Event, passed to PostEvent()
AkUInt32 uIdentifier
Cue point identifier
@ AK_Starvation
Callback triggered when playback skips a frame due to stream starvation. AkCallbackInfo can be cast t...
AkCallbackType musicSyncType
Would be either AK_MusicSyncEntry, AK_MusicSyncBeat, AK_MusicSyncBar, AK_MusicSyncExit,...
AkUInt32 AkUniqueID
Unique 32-bit ID
@ AK_EnableGetSourceStreamBuffering
Enable stream buffering information for use by AK::SoundEngine::GetSourceStreamBuffering().
AkReal32 fGridOffset
Grid offset in seconds.
AkUInt32 uLabelSize
Size of the label string (including the terminating null character)
AkUInt32 uPosition
Position in the cue point (unit: sample frames)
AkUInt32 physicalVoices
Number of active physical voices
@ AkAudioDeviceEvent_Removal
Audio device was removed through explicit call (AK::SoundEngine::RemoveOutput or AK::SoundEngine::Ter...
@ AkGlobalCallbackLocation_MonitorRecap
Send monitor data connection to recap.
void(* AkCaptureCallbackFunc)(AkAudioBuffer &in_CaptureBuffer, AkOutputDeviceID in_idOutput, void *in_pCookie)
AkPlayingID playingID
Playing ID of Event, returned by PostEvent()
@ AK_MusicSyncGrid
Enable notifications on Music Grid. AkCallbackInfo can be cast to AkMusicSyncCallbackInfo.
void(* AkCallbackFunc)(AkCallbackType in_eType, AkCallbackInfo *in_pCallbackInfo)
Bit field of various locations in the audio processing loop where the game can be called back.
AkReal32 totalCPU
Pourcentage of the cpu time used for processing audio. Please note that the numbers may add up when u...
AkTimeMs iPostExitDuration
Duration of the post-exit region of the segment, in milliseconds.
@ AkGlobalCallbackLocation_PreProcessMessageQueueForRender
Start of frame rendering, before having processed game messages.
AkUInt32 uPlaylistItemDone
Playlist node done: set by sound engine, modified by callback function (if set to anything but 0 then...
AkReal32 * pfEmitterListenerVolume
Emitter-listener pair-specific gain. When there are multiple emitter-listener pairs,...
#define AK_CALLBACK(_type, _name)
@ AK_EnableGetSourcePlayPosition
Enable play position information for use by AK::SoundEngine::GetSourcePlayPosition().
AkReal32 fEstimatedDuration
Estimated duration of the sound depending on source settings such as pitch. (unit: milliseconds)
void(* AkBusCallbackFunc)(AkSpeakerVolumeMatrixCallbackInfo *in_pCallbackInfo)
AkUniqueID audioNodeID
Audio Node ID of finished item
AkUInt32 uNumSystemAudioObjects
Number of System Audio Objects going out of the output device
AkUniqueID playlistID
ID of playlist node
AkPlayingID playingID
Playing ID of Dynamic Sequence, returned by AK::SoundEngine:DynamicSequence::Open()
void * pCookie
User data, passed to PostEvent()
AkMeteringFlags eMeteringFlags
Metering flags that were asked for in RegisterOutputDeviceMeteringCallback(). You may only access cor...
@ AK_EndOfDynamicSequenceItem
Callback triggered when reaching the end of a dynamic sequence item. AkCallbackInfo can be cast to Ak...
void(* AkBankCallbackFunc)(AkUInt32 in_bankID, const void *in_pInMemoryBankPtr, AKRESULT in_eLoadResult, void *in_pCookie)
AK::AkMetering * pPassthroughMetering
Metering information for the passthrough mix (if any; will be null otherwise)
AkChannelConfig channelConfig
Channel configuration of the bus.
Struct containing metering information about a buffer. Depending on when this struct is generated,...
@ AK_MusicPlaylistSelect
Callback triggered when music playlist container must select the next item to play....
@ AK_MusicSyncExit
Enable notifications on Music Exit Cue. AkCallbackInfo can be cast to AkMusicSyncCallbackInfo.
AkReal32 * MatrixPtr
Volume matrix. Access each input channel vector with AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix::GetChannel().
@ AK_MusicSyncBeat
Enable notifications on Music Beat. AkCallbackInfo can be cast to AkMusicSyncCallbackInfo.
bool bStreaming
True if source is streaming, false otherwise.
AkReal32 fBarDuration
Bar Duration in seconds.
uint32_t AkUInt32
Unsigned 32-bit integer
@ AK_EnableGetMusicPlayPosition
Enable play position information of music objects, queried via AK::MusicEngine::GetPlayingSegmentInfo...
void(* AkDeviceStatusCallbackFunc)(AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext *in_pContext, AkUniqueID in_idAudioDeviceShareset, AkUInt32 in_idDeviceID, AkAudioDeviceEvent in_idEvent, AKRESULT in_AkResult)
AkUInt64 AkOutputDeviceID
Audio Output device ID
@ AK_MusicSyncPoint
Enable notifications on Music switch transition synchronization point. AkCallbackInfo can be cast to ...
AkReal32 pluginCPU
Pourcentage of the cpu time used by plugin processing. Please note that the numbers may add up when u...
AkTimeMs iCurrentPosition
Current position of the segment, relative to the Entry Cue, in milliseconds. Range is [-iPreEntryDura...
@ AkGlobalCallbackLocation_PostMessagesProcessed
After one or more messages have been processed, but before updating game object and listener position...
AkUInt32 uNumPlaylistItems
Number of items in playlist node (may be segments or other playlists)
AkReal32 fGridDuration
Grid duration in seconds.
AkUInt32 totalVoices
Number of active physical and virtual voices
@ AK_SpeakerVolumeMatrix
Callback triggered at each frame, letting the client modify the speaker volume matrix....
AK::SpeakerVolumes::MatrixPtr pVolumes
Pointer to volume matrix describing the contribution of each source channel to destination channels....
AkMeteringFlags eMeteringFlags
Metering flags that were asked for in RegisterBusMeteringCallback(). You may only access correspondin...
AkUInt32 nbActiveEvents
Number of events triggered at a certain time
AkUniqueID mediaID
Media ID of playing item. (corresponds to 'ID' attribute of 'File' element in SoundBank metadata file...
AkMIDIEvent midiEvent
MIDI event triggered by event.
AkUInt32 AkPlayingID
Playing ID
@ AK_Marker
Callback triggered when encountering a marker during playback. AkCallbackInfo can be cast to AkMarker...
AkTimeMs iRemainingLookAheadTime
Number of milliseconds remaining in the "looking-ahead" state of the segment, when it is silent but s...
AkPlayingID playingID
Playing ID of Event, returned by PostEvent()
@ AK_MusicSyncUserCue
Enable notifications on Music Custom Cue. AkCallbackInfo can be cast to AkMusicSyncCallbackInfo.
@ AkGlobalCallbackLocation_BeginRender
Start of frame rendering, after having processed game messages.
AkUInt32 virtualVoices
Number of active virtual voices
@ AK_MusicPlayStarted
Callback triggered when a "Play" or "Seek" command has been executed ("Seek" commands are issued from...
AkSegmentInfo segmentInfo
Segment information corresponding to the segment triggering this callback.
@ AkGlobalCallbackLocation_Monitor
Send monitor data