The Wwise Unreal plug-in includes a Commandlet you can use to generate SoundBanks and submit them to source control from the command line.
<UnrealEditor-cmd.exe> <path_to_uproject> -run=GenerateSoundBanks [-platforms=listOfPlatforms] [-languages=listOfLanguages] [-wwiseConsolePath=pathToWwiseConsole]
The Commandlet has the following parameters:
- platforms: (Optional) Comma-separated list of platforms for which to generate SoundBanks, as specified in the Wwise project. If not specified, SoundBanks are generated for all platforms.
- languages: (Optional) Comma-separated list of Languages for which to generate SoundBanks, as specified in the Wwise project. これを設定しないと、すべてのランゲージを生成します。
- wwiseConsolePath: (Optional) Full path to the Wwise command-line tool, used to generate the SoundBanks. If not specified, the path from the Wwise settings is used.
- help:(任意)このヘルプメッセージを印刷します。これでコマンドレットが即時に終了します。
C:\UE_5.0\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe C:\MyProjects\Demo\WwiseDemoGame.uproject -run=GenerateSoundBanks -platforms=Windows,Mac
![](/images/2023.1.10_8659/?source=UE4&id=Note.gif) | 注記: If you have problems because the Development Editor is not built or available yet, you can skip the plugin activation by setting the environment variable SKIP_PLUGIN_ACTIVATION to true . |