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Wwise SDK 2023.1.10
AkSpatialAudioInitSettings 構造体

Initialization settings of the spatial audio module. [詳解]

#include <AkSpatialAudio.h>


 AkSpatialAudioInitSettings ()


AkUInt32 uMaxSoundPropagationDepth
 Maximum number of portals that sound can propagate through; must be less than or equal to AK_MAX_SOUND_PROPAGATION_DEPTH. [詳解]
AkReal32 fMovementThreshold
 Amount that an emitter or listener has to move to trigger a validation of reflections/diffraction. Larger values can reduce the CPU load at the cost of reduced accuracy. Note that the ray tracing itself is not affected by this value. Rays are cast each time a Spatial Audio update is executed. [詳解]
AkUInt32 uNumberOfPrimaryRays
 The number of primary rays used in the ray tracing engine. A larger number of rays will increase the chances of finding reflection and diffraction paths, but will result in higher CPU usage. When CPU limit is active (see AkSpatialAudioInitSettings::fCPULimitPercentage), this setting represents the maximum allowed number of primary rays. [詳解]
AkUInt32 uMaxReflectionOrder
 Maximum reflection order [1, 4] - the number of 'bounces' in a reflection path. A high reflection order renders more details at the expense of higher CPU usage. [詳解]
AkUInt32 uMaxDiffractionOrder
AkUInt32 uMaxEmitterRoomAuxSends
AkUInt32 uDiffractionOnReflectionsOrder
AkReal32 fMaxPathLength
AkReal32 fCPULimitPercentage
AkUInt32 uLoadBalancingSpread
 Spread the computation of paths on uLoadBalancingSpread frames [1..[. When uLoadBalancingSpread is set to 1, no load balancing is done. Values greater than 1 indicate the computation of paths will be spread on this number of frames. [詳解]
bool bEnableGeometricDiffractionAndTransmission
bool bCalcEmitterVirtualPosition
 An emitter that is diffracted through a portal or around geometry will have its apparent or virtual position calculated by Wwise Spatial Audio and passed on to the sound engine. [詳解]


Initialization settings of the spatial audio module.

AkSpatialAudio.h38 行目に定義があります。






