
Wwise Unreal Integration Documentation
Reverb Parameter Estimation

UPrimitiveComponent にアタッチされた AkLateReverbComponent を使うときに、 UPrimitiveComponent のサイズや形に合わせてリバーブの Aux Bus を自動的にアサインするように、Wwise Unreal Integrationに指示することができます。

同様に、Wwise Unreal Integrationは UPrimitiveComponent を使って、特定のリバーブパラメータ値を推定することができ、 Driving Reverb RTPCs 経由でそれらを調節します。このチュートリアルでは、Global Reverb RTPCを使って、Auxバスの自動アサインや、リバーブエフェクトのParameter Estimation(パラメータ推定)を設定する方法を説明します。



It is possible to automatically associate an Aux Bus with a Spatial Audio Room. You can set up a Reverb Assignment Table in the Integration Settings, which maps different Decay values to different Aux Buses.

The Decay value of a Room is the estimation of its T60 decay (see EstimateT60Decay), which is the time (in seconds) required for the sound reverberation in a physical environment to decay by 60 dB.

The following exercise demonstrates how to use the the Reverb Assignment Table to automatically determine which Aux Busses to use for each Room.

Reverb Assignment section the Integration Settings

Before you configure the Decay keys in the table, observe the estimated Decay values for the existing reverbs in the level.

  1. Open the SpatialAudioTutorialMap.
  2. In the World Outliner, select the Interior_SmallRoom AkSpatialAudioVolume. Selecting Auto Assign Aux Bus sets the Aux Bus to the Default Reverb Aux Bus specified in the Project Settings because the Reverb Assignment Table is not yet set up.
  3. Interior_SmallRoomのDetailsパネルで、 Auto Assign Aux Bus を有効にします。
  4. ステップ2と3を、Interior_LargeRoom AkSpatialAudioVolume で繰り返します。
Interior_SmallRoomとInterior_LargeRoomで、Auto Assign Aux Busを有効にする

Some text information is displayed above each AkSpatialAudioVolume in the viewport when they are selected. この情報は、DetailsパネルのReverb Parameter Estimationの下にもあります。

  1. In Unreal, click Edit > Project Settings, then scroll to the Wwise section and click Integration Settings.
  2. Expand the Reverb Assignment Map section.
    Reverb Assignment section the Integration Settings
  3. Open the Reverb Assignment Table asset.
  4. In the toolbar, click Add.
  5. Set the Decay value of the new row to 1.0 and set the Aux Bus to SmallRoom.
  6. Add another row with a Decay value of 2.0 and set the Aux Bus to LargeRoom.

Any Room with a Decay value between 0.0 and 1.0 sends to the SmallRoom Aux Bus and any Room with a Decay value between 1.0 and 2.0 sends to the LargeRoom Aux Bus. Decay values above 2.0 sends to the Default Reverb Aux Bus.

レベルに戻ってみると、適切な Aux Bus 値が、Interior_SmallRoomとInterior_LargeRoomにアサインされています。

Global Reverb RTPC

Auxバスを自動的にアサインできるほか、グローバルなReverb RTPCを使って、Wwiseのリバーブエフェクトの一部パラメータを自動的にアサインできます。この設定ができるのは、Decay、Predelay、HFDampingの3つのパラメータです。これらのパラメータを制御するRTPCの設定は、Integration Settingsで行います。

The HFDamping, or high frequency damping, value is an estimation of how much high frequencies are dampened compared to low frequencies. See EstimateHFDamping for more information.

The PreDelay value is an estimation of the time in milliseconds for the first reflection to reach the listener, assuming both listener and emitter are in the center of the environment. See EstimateTimeToFirstReflection.


Global Reverb RTPCを使うには、3つのRTPCをWwiseプロジェクトに追加する必要があります。

  1. Wwiseプロジェクトを開きます。
  2. Click Layouts > Designer.
  3. Project Explorerで、Game Syncsタブをクリックします。
  4. Add three new Game Parameters called Decay, PreDelay and HFDamping.
  5. Set the Min, Max, and Default values of the three new Game Parameters as follows:
    • Decay:
      • Min: 0
      • Max: 10
      • Default: 0
    • PreDelay:
      • Min: 0
      • Max: 1000
      • Default: 0
    • HFDamping:
      • Min: -1
      • Max: 1
      • Default: 0
  6. In the Project Explorer, open the Audio tab.
  7. Under the Master-Mixer Hierarchy, double-click SmallRoom. The SmallRoom Aux Bus Object Tab opens.
  8. On the Effects tab, at the right of the RoomVerb Effect row, click Edit.
  9. In the Effect Editor, open the RTPC tab.
  10. Add Reverb entries for Decay Time, Pre Delay and HF Damping.
  11. In the X Axis column, add Game Parameters for each entry as follows:
    • Decay Time: Decay
    • Pre delay: PreDelay
    • HF Damping: HFDamping
  12. Decayマッピングを選択し、カーブ上にポイントを1つ追加します。
  13. このポイントのX値、Y値を、ともに0.2に設定します。
  14. HFDampingマッピングを選択し、カーブ上にポイントを1つ追加します。
  15. このポイントのX値を0.0に、Y値を1.0に設定します。
  16. リストにあるマッピングを、全て選択します。
  17. マッピング設定の1つを右クリックし、 Copy を選択します。
  18. Property Editorで、LargeRoom Auxバスを開きます。
  19. On the Effects tab, at the right of the RoomVerb Effect row, click Edit.
  20. In the Effect Editor, open the RTPC tab.
  21. 空のRTPCリストの中で右クリックし、 Paste を選択します。Three RTPCs now control reverb parameters in our Wwise project. In the Unreal project, these RTPCs function as the Global Reverb RTPCs.
  22. In Unreal, open the Wwise Integration Settings.
  23. Under Reverb Assignment, expand the RTPCs subsection.
  24. 3つの新しいRTPCを、それぞれの該当するGlobal Reverb RTPCにアサインします。
    3つの新RTPCを、Global Reverb RTPCにアサインする

次に、Wwiseにリモート接続し、Editorでプレイします。If you observe the RTPC curves in Wwise while triggering the sounds in the small room and the large room, you can see how the reverb parameters change.

同じReverb Auxバスを、異なるルームタイプに使う

With Global Reverb RTPCs, you can use one reverb effect for an entire level and drive the parameters dynamically for the different rooms in the level.

  1. Wwiseプロジェクト内に、DynamicReverbという新しいAuxバスを作成します。
  2. Add a RoomVerb Effect to this Aux Bus, using the Default Effect preset.
    DynamicReverbという、Wwise RoomVerbエフェクトのある新Auxバスを追加する
  3. SmallRoom AuxバスのリバーブエフェクトのRTPCマッピングを、DynamicReverb Auxバスのリバーブエフェクトにコピー&ペーストします。
  4. In the Unreal project, clear all entries in the Reverb Assignment Table (described in Auxバスの自動アサイン).
  5. Default Reverb Aux Bus を、新しいDynamicReverb Auxバスに設定します。

Now, if you remote connect and Play In Editor, both the Interior_SmallRoom and Interior_LargeRoom use the DynamicReverb Aux Bus, but the parameters are automatically adjusted for each room through the Global Reverb RTPCs.

Reverb Estimationをカスタムブループリントクラスで使う

The following procedure demonstrates the single Aux Bus workflow through the use of a custom Blueprint Class that represents a single room. For demonstration purposes, the room is a simple cube with walls that the player can walk through. In this exercise, you will create a double-sided material (so that you can see the interior of the room) and then create the Blueprint Class.

  1. Content Browserで、WwiseAssets/SpatialAudioDemoフォルダまで移動します。
  2. SpatialAudioDemoMeshMaterial を右クリックし、 Duplicate を選択します。
  3. Name the new Material Instance "SpatialAudioDoubleSidedMaterial".
  4. 新しいマテリアルインスタンスを開きます。
  5. In the Details panel under Material, select Two Sided.
  6. マテリアルインスタンスを保存します。
  7. Content Browserで、Blueprintsフォルダまで移動します。
  8. フォルダ内で右クリックし、 Blueprint Class を選択します。
  9. Parent Classとして Actor を選択します。
  10. Name the new Blueprint "BPRoom".
  11. Open the new BPRoom Blueprint Class.
  12. On the Components panel, click Add and select the Cube component.
  13. Select the new Cube component and in the Details panel, under Materials, set Element 0 to SpatialAudioDoubleSidedMaterial.
  14. In the Components panel, select the Cube Component and add a Box Collision Component under it.
  15. Select the Box Collision Component and add the following Components under it:
    • Ak Room
    • Ak Late Reverb
    • Ak Geometry Ensure that the Component hierarchy in your Blueprint Class looks like this:
  16. AkGeometry コンポーネントを選択します。
  17. In the Details panel, under Geometry, ensure that the Mesh Type is set to Simple Collision.
  18. In the Surface Overrides section, set the AkAcousticTexture to Concrete.
  19. In the Components panel, select the Cube Component.
  20. Add a Point Light Component, which illuminates the room when the player walks inside it.
  21. Cube コンポーネントを選択します。
  22. In the Details panel under Collision, set the Collision Presets to NoCollision.
  23. Box コンポーネントを選択します。
  24. In the Details panel under Collision, set the Collision Presets to NoCollision. The player can now walk through the walls of the room.
  25. ブループリントをコンパイルして保存します。

Before you can test the new room Blueprint, add a sound to play when you change between the rooms.

  1. Content BrowserのBlueprintsフォルダで、 MyCharacter ブループリントを開きます。
  2. Componentsパネルで、Capsuleコンポーネントを選択します。
  3. Add an Ak Component and name it "SpatialSound".
  4. SpatialSoundコンポーネントを選択します。
  5. In the Details panel, set the Ak Audio Event to Play_SpatialSound.
  6. MyCharacterブループリントの、Eventグラフを開きます。
  7. Locate the Event BeginPlay node in the lower right of the Event Graph.
  8. Drag from the last Set Switch node and select Post Associated Ak Event (SpatialSound).

You can now place some rooms in your level.

  1. Drag several instances of the BPRoom Blueprint into the level.
  2. 各ルームの大きさを変えます。
  3. Change the Acoustic Texture on the AkGeometry Component in each of the rooms:
    1. レベルにあるルームを1つ選択します。
    2. Detailsパネルで、 AkGeometry コンポーネントを選択します。
    3. Change the AkAcousticTexture to a different value such as Brick, Carpet, or something else. Do this for all BPRoom instances in the level.

次に、Wwiseにリモート接続し、Editorでプレイします。The spatial sound is triggered immediately. As you walk into the different rooms, the appropriate reverb parameters are applied to the sound.


When estimating the HFDamping value, the AkLateReverbComponent uses the AkGeometryComponent to identify its Acoustic Textures. In the previous section, an AkLateReverbComponent and an AkGeometryComponent were attached to the same UPrimitiveComponent parent (the Box Component). With this configuration, when the AkLateReverbComponent has a sibling AkGeometryComponent, it automatically uses that sibling AkGeometryComponent to calculate the HFDamping. However, if the AkGeometryComponent has a different parent, you must explicitly associate the AkGeometryComponent with the AkLateReverbComponent through the AssociateAkTextureSetComponent function. This section demonstrates how to do so.

  1. BPRoomブループリントを開きます。
  2. In the Components panel, drag the AkGeometry Component on top of the Cube Component. The AkGeometry Component is now attached to the Cube Component instead of the Box Component.
  3. AkGeometry コンポーネントを選択します。
  4. In the Details panel, under Geometry, set the Mesh Type to Static Mesh.
  5. In the Surface Overrides section, set the AkAcousticTexture to Concrete.
  6. このブループリントのEventグラフを開きます。
  7. Drag a node from the execution pin of the Even BeginPlay node and select Associate Ak Texture Set Component (AkLateReverb).
  8. Drag the AkGeometry Component from the Components panel and release it on top of the Texture Set Component pin.

You can now remote connect to Wwise and Play In Editor to test whether the HFDamping value is updated correctly. With this configuration, you can have a Static Mesh with multiple materials, and an attached AkGeometryComponent that maps those materials to Acoustic Textures. You can then associate this AkGeometryComponent with an AkLateReverbComponent to make the textures drive the HFDamping value.






