Wwise SDK 2023.1.10
This chapter contains information that is specific to using the Wwise SDK for the iOS/tvOS/visionOS platform.
![]() | 警告: tvOS and visionOS SoundBanks must use iOS for their base platform. |
![]() | 注釈: Unless otherwise specified, the mention "iOS" in this page and its subsections is used to describe interchangeably the iOS, tvOS, and visionOS specific platform details. |
The libraries and other binaries provided in the Wwise SDK for the iOS-based platforms are built against a variety of Xcode toolchains, with different folders for each version. The folder naming convention is $
, where $
is the platform name (iOS
, tvOS
, visionOS
) and $
is a built-in variable provided by Xcode in the following format: XX00. For example, for a tvOS build using Xcode version 15.2, $
is 1500
, so the folder name is tvOS_Xcode1500
For a given iOS-based platform, all minor versions of Xcode are compatible if the major version matches. For example, an application built against Xcode 15.2 is compatible with Wwise libraries built against Xcode 15.0 (1500). Binaries from different iOS-based platforms are not compatible.
![]() | 注釈: Audiokinetic does not provide precompiled libraries for every Xcode release. Starting with Xcode 14, binaries compatible with stable releases of every major Xcode version are provided. Support for previous Xcode major versions will be removed when Apple's App Store stops accepting submissions for it. |
Bluetoothスピーカーやヘッドフォンを使うと、オーディオに多くのレイテンシが生じます。これは、Bluetoothの圧縮とOS内のOTAコミュニケーションスタックが原因です。Because of this, latency-sensitive games such as rhythm games will have a degraded gameplay when the Bluetooth device is connected.
Bluetoothデバイス使用時は、Wwiseが自動的にハイレイテンシモードに切り替え、音の途切れを回避します。また、デバイスを外すと通常のレイテンシに戻り、これは初期化のときに AkPlatformInitSettings.uNumRefillsInVoice
![]() | 注釈: Bluetoothデバイスを"Play and Record" オーディオセッションで使用すると、強制的に、OSが全てのオーディオを8 kHzにダウンサンプルします。この動作は、Bluetoothドライバ自体と関係しています。 |
On iOS, many events such as an incoming phone or FaceTime call, usage of Siri, calendar alerts, or system sounds can prevent app audio from playing at any moment. Appleのオーディオセッションは、オーディオハードウェアへのアクセスのコンフリクトに対応するメカニズムです。あなたのアプリケーションに合ったオーディオセッションを選択することが大事です。幸い、オーディオ セッションと動作している際のほどんどの実装詳細はWwise iOS SDK が対応し、SDKクライアントアプリの側で期待通りの動作をする対応する、および適切なオーディオアプリを取得する努力はほとんど必要ありません。 次のセクションではiOS オーディオ セッションの概念と、関連するWwise実装ポリシーについて触れます。
Wwise 3D audio is supported on iOS/tvOS/visionOS. It is implemented using Apple's Spatial Audio technology (not to be confused with Wwise Spatial Audio), and is designed for headphone output. It supports a spatialized bed, a passthrough mix, and a number of system audio objects.
Unlike other platforms supporting 3D audio, Apple platforms do not have a user preference for Spatial Audio in the operating system which applies to interactive audio applications. Therefore, the 3D audio pipeline in Wwise will always be activated as long as all the following requirements are met:
It is encouraged to allow the user to choose whether to use 3D Audio using an in-game setting, and swap between two Audio Device sharesets based on this setting.
Upon initialization, if 3D audio is activated, the main mix will be configured as 5th-order Ambisonic, unless the Main Mix Configuration for Binauralization property of the Audio Device dictates otherwise.
If the Audio Device's Allow System Audio Objects property is enabled, then the number of system audio objects supported by the sink is determined by AkPlatformInitSettings::uNumSpatialAudioPointSources.
Apple requires third-party applications and SDKs to provide a reason for using certain privacy-sensitive APIs in the NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypes
entry in the privacy manifest (PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy
Some Wwise libraries or source code samples use some privacy-sensitive APIs as part of their implementation. Declare these usages in your application's privacy manifest:
: Used as part of the POSIX AkDefaultIOHookDeferred
sample. This sample is not used as part of the prebuilt Wwise SDK libraries. However, it is used by the Wwise Unity integration.For more information about the Privacy Manifest and NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypes
, refer to this Apple Developer documentation page: Describing use of required reason API .