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Wwise Unreal Integration Documentation
AkComponent Blueprint機能

Several Wwise-specific actions can be executed on AkComponent scene components. These are available in the Ak Component category.

Get Attenuation Radius

AkComponent の実質的な減衰半径 (ScalingFactor * MaxAttenuation)を返す。

Post Ak Event

Posts the specified UAkAudioEvent in Wwise.

Post Ak Event Async

Posts the specified UAkAudioEvent in Wwise. The async version waits until the media is loaded and then posts the event.

Post Ak Event and Wait for End

Latent Blueprint node that posts the specified UAkAudioEvent in Wwise, and then waits until the end of the Event to continue the graph's execution.

Post Ak Event and Wait for End Async

Latent Blueprint node that posts the specified UAkAudioEvent in Wwise, and then waits until the end of the Event to continue the graph's execution. The async version waits until the media is loaded and then posts the event.

Post Associated Ak Event

Posts this AkComponent's internal UAkAudioEvent in Wwise.

Post Associated Ak Event Async

Posts this AkComponent's internal UAkAudioEvent in Wwise. The async version waits until the media is loaded and then posts the event.

Post Associated Ak Event and Wait for End

Latent Blueprint node that posts this AkComponent's internal UAkAudioEvent in Wwise, and then waits until the end of the Event to continue the graph's execution.

Post Associated Ak Event and Wait for End Async

Latent Blueprint node that posts this AkComponent's internal UAkAudioEvent in Wwise, and then waits until the end of the Event to continue the graph's execution. The async version waits until the media is loaded and then posts the event.

Post Trigger

関連づけられた AkComponent に対してトリガをポストする。

Set Attenuation Scaling Factor

Sets the attenuation scaling factor, which modifies the attenuation computations on the game object to simulate sounds with a larger or smaller area of effect.

Set Listeners

AkComponent にリスナーを設定します。

Get Collision Channel

Gets the collision channel used when doing line of sight traces for obstruction/occlusion calculations.

Set Output Bus Volume

Sets the output direct bus volume to use for the specified game object. The Bus Volume value is a number from 0.0f to 1.0f.

Get RTPC Value

関連付けられた AkComponent のGame Parameter値を取得します。

Set RTPC Value

関連付けられた AkComponent のゲームパラメータ値を設定します。

Set Stop when Owner Destroyed

該当する AkComponent のStopWhenOwnerDestroyed値を設定します。

Set Switch

関連付けられた AkComponent のスイッチのスイッチグループを設定します。


Stops the UAkAudioEvent associated with the AkComponent from playing.

Use Reverb Volumes

Sets whether the AkComponent is influenced by AkReverbVolume.

Set GameObject Radius

Calls AK:SpatialAudio::SetGameObjectRadius() to set the outer and inner radius of the game object and sends them to Spatial Audio.






