Wwise SDK 2023.1.10
Retrieves the Performance Monitor statistics at a specific profiler capture time. Refer to Wwise Authoring Performance Monitor Counter Identifiers for the available counters.
Name | タイプ | 概要 |
time * | one of: | Time in milliseconds to query for Performance Monitor data, or a Time Cursor from which to acquire the time. User Time Cursorはユーザーが操作できるもので、Capture Time Cursorは現在のキャプチャの最後の時間を表すものです。 |
integer | 範囲: [0,*] | |
string | グローバルのプロファイラカーソルの1つを特定します。可能な値:
Name | タイプ | 概要 |
return * | array | Array of Performance Monitor counters. |
return [...] | object | Performance Monitor counter. Performance Monitor counter values. |
return[...].name | string | name of the counter as shown in Wwise Authoring. |
return[...].id | string | unique Id of the counter. |
return[...].value | number | value of counter at given time. |
Wwise Authoring APIの詳細は、 Wwise Authoring API (WAAPI)を使用する を参照してください。