
Wwise SDK 2023.1.8
void ak_wwise_plugin_widget
Definition: PluginDef.h:505
bool(* HasWidget)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_frontend_model_instance_v1 *in_this, const char *in_absoluteId)
Checks if a specific widget exists.
bool IsWidgetContainer(ak_wwise_plugin_widget *in_widget)
Checks if the widget can contain other widgets.
@ k_interfaceVersion
The interface version, as requested by this plug-in.
ak_wwise_plugin_widget *(* GetRootWidget)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_frontend_model_instance_v1 *in_this)
Returns the main layout widget of a given Frontend Handle hierarchy.
void(* EnableWidget)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_frontend_model_instance_v1 *in_this, ak_wwise_plugin_widget *in_widget, bool in_enable)
Enables or disables mouse and keyboard input for the widget.
static GluedInterface * g_cinterface
The unique instance of the CInterface interface. Defined at nullptr first, overridden by the Host onc...
Interface used to interact with the frontend model.
decltype(BaseInterface::m_version) InterfaceVersion
PluginInfoGenerator: Type for the m_version value in BaseInterface
void(* SetWidgetFocus)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_frontend_model_instance_v1 *in_this, ak_wwise_plugin_widget *in_widget)
Claims the input focus for the widget.
bool(* IsWidgetVisible)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_frontend_model_instance_v1 *in_this, ak_wwise_plugin_widget *in_widget)
Determines the visibility state of the given widget.
bool(* Connect)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_frontend_model_instance_v1 *in_this, ak_wwise_plugin_widget *in_widget, const char *in_name, void(*in_handler)(), void *in_userData)
Connects a signal to a handler taking some user-defined data.
bool IsWidgetTopLevel(ak_wwise_plugin_widget *in_widget)
Checks if the widget is top-level.
void ForEachChildren(const char *in_absoluteId, ForEachCallback in_handler, void *in_userData)
Applies a user-defined handler to every child of a container.
void ShowWidget(ak_wwise_plugin_widget *in_widget, bool in_show)
Sets the visibility state of the widget.
ak_wwise_plugin_widget *(* GetWidget)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_frontend_model_instance_v1 *in_this, const char *in_absoluteId)
Returns a specific widget of a given Frontend Handle hierarchy.
void(* ShowWidget)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_frontend_model_instance_v1 *in_this, ak_wwise_plugin_widget *in_widget, bool in_show)
Sets the visibility state of the widget.
bool(* IsWidgetTopLevel)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_frontend_model_instance_v1 *in_this, ak_wwise_plugin_widget *in_widget)
Checks if the widget is top-level.
bool Connect(ak_wwise_plugin_widget *in_widget, const char *in_name, GenericCallback in_handler, void *in_userData)
Connects a signal to a handler taking some user-defined data.
const char *(* GetWidgetType)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_frontend_model_instance_v1 *in_this, ak_wwise_plugin_widget *in_widget)
Gets the type ID of a widget.
const char * GetWidgetID(ak_wwise_plugin_widget *in_widget)
Gets the ID of a widget.
@ k_interfaceType
The interface type, as requested by this plug-in.
Interface used to interact with the frontend model.
V1::FrontendModel FrontendModel
Latest version of the C++ FrontendModel interface.
Wwise Authoring Plug-ins - C++ class helper to automatically determine the plug-in interfaces used in...
bool(* IsWidgetEnabled)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_frontend_model_instance_v1 *in_this, ak_wwise_plugin_widget *in_widget)
Determines if a widget is enabled for mouse and keyboard input.
bool HasWidget(const char *in_absoluteId)
Checks if a specific widget exists.
RequestedHostInterface< FrontendModel > RequestFrontendModel
Requests a FrontendModel interface, provided as m_frontendModel variable.
PluginInfoGenerator: Associates an existing C Interface with a variable that can be used....
ak_wwise_plugin_widget *(* GetParentWidget)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_frontend_model_instance_v1 *in_this)
Returns the parent widget of a given Frontend Handle hierarchy.
ak_wwise_plugin_widget * GetRootWidget()
Returns the main layout widget of a given Frontend Handle hierarchy.
bool IsWidgetEnabled(ak_wwise_plugin_widget *in_widget)
Determines if a widget is enabled for mouse and keyboard input.
bool IsWidgetVisible(ak_wwise_plugin_widget *in_widget)
Determines the visibility state of the given widget.
std::underlying_type< InterfaceType >::type InterfaceTypeValue
PluginInfoGenerator: Underlying storage type for the m_interface value in BaseInterface
const char *(* GetWidgetID)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_frontend_model_instance_v1 *in_this, ak_wwise_plugin_widget *in_widget)
Gets the ID of a widget.
ak_wwise_plugin_host_frontend_model_v1 CHostFrontendModel
const char * GetWidgetType(ak_wwise_plugin_widget *in_widget)
Gets the type ID of a widget.
void(*)(ak_wwise_plugin_widget *, void *) ForEachCallback
bool(* IsWidgetContainer)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_frontend_model_instance_v1 *in_this, ak_wwise_plugin_widget *in_widget)
Checks if the widget can contain other widgets.
Interface description and base class for every Wwise Authoring plug-in interface.
ak_wwise_plugin_widget * GetWidget(const char *in_absoluteId)
Returns a specific widget of a given Frontend Handle hierarchy.
void SetWidgetFocus(ak_wwise_plugin_widget *in_widget)
Claims the input focus for the widget.
void EnableWidget(ak_wwise_plugin_widget *in_widget, bool in_enable)
Enables or disables mouse and keyboard input for the widget.
#define MKBOOL(cond)
Definition: PluginHelpers.h:74
ak_wwise_plugin_widget * GetParentWidget()
Returns the parent widget of a given Frontend Handle hierarchy.
#define AK_WWISE_PLUGIN_SPECIALIZE_HOST_INTERFACE(in_name, in_varname,...)
PluginInfoGenerator: Creates a C++ host specialization for interface class specified in in_name,...
void(* ForEachChildren)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_frontend_model_instance_v1 *in_this, const char *in_absoluteId, void(*in_handler)(ak_wwise_plugin_widget *, void *), void *in_userData)
Applies a user-defined handler to every child of a container.
Wwise Authoring Plug-ins - Base plug-in definitions






