
警告:あなたのメジャーリリース ( 2023.1.7.8574 ) に該当する最新ドキュメンテーションが表示されています。特定バージョンのドキュメンテーションにアクセスするには、Audiokinetic Launcherでオフラインドキュメンテーションをダウンロードし、Wwise AuthoringのOffline Documentationオプションにチェックを入れてください。
Wwise SDK 2023.1.7

◆ ResetRTPCValue() [1/2]

AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT AK::SoundEngine::ResetRTPCValue ( AkRtpcID  in_rtpcID,
AkGameObjectID  in_gameObjectID = AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT,
AkTimeMs  in_uValueChangeDuration = 0,
AkCurveInterpolation  in_eFadeCurve = AkCurveInterpolation_Linear,
bool  in_bBypassInternalValueInterpolation = false 

Resets the value of the game parameter to its default value, as specified in the Wwise project. With this function, you may reset a game parameter to its default value with global scope or with game object scope. Game object scope supersedes global scope. Game parameter values reset with global scope are applied to all game objects that were not overridden with a value with game object scope. To reset a game parameter value with global scope, pass AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT as the game object. With this function, you may also reset the value of a game parameter over time. To do so, specify a non-zero value for in_uValueChangeDuration. At each audio frame, the game parameter value will be updated internally according to the interpolation curve. If you call SetRTPCValue() or ResetRTPCValue() with in_uValueChangeDuration = 0 in the middle of an interpolation, the interpolation stops and the new value is set directly. Refer to RTPCとゲームオブジェクト, RTPC とバス and RTPCとプラグイン for more details on RTPC scope.

  • AK_Success when successful
  • AK_InvalidID if in_rtpcID is AK_INVALID_UNIQUE_ID (0)
in_rtpcIDID of the game parameter
in_gameObjectIDAssociated game object ID
in_uValueChangeDurationDuration during which the game parameter is interpolated towards its default value
in_eFadeCurveCurve type to be used for the game parameter interpolation
in_bBypassInternalValueInterpolationTrue if you want to bypass the internal "slew rate" or "over time filtering" specified by the sound designer. This is meant to be used when for example loading a level and you dont want the values to interpolate.






