
Wwise Unreal Integration Documentation

Where are banks located when I generate them from the Unreal editor or when cooking?

The Soundbanks are generated at the Root Output Path specified your Wwise Project Settings.

If you are migrating a project that uses the Legacy workflow, make sure the platform-specific SoundBank Paths do not point to locations within the Unreal project's Content folder.

Can I debug my code using the Wwise SoundEngine debug libraries?

By default, the Unreal Engine does not use the debug C Runtime Libraries, but Wwise uses them. デバッグビルドをするとリンクエラーが発生してしまいます。This is why the Wwise Unreal integration uses the profile libraries. If you want to link to the debug Wwise libraries, set the bDebugBuildsActuallyUseDebugCRT variable to true in the following file: <UE_ROOT>/Engine/Source/Programs/UnrealBuildTool/Configuration/BuildConfiguration.cs.

Why don't all of my sounds play when I run a packaged game?

If you receive an error such as Event ID not found: <id>, it is likely that a Wwise Unreal asset was excluded from the package due to "tree shaking." Refer to Packaging Requirements for more information.

Why can't I post an Event by using its name after its SoundBank was loaded?

Previously, an AkBank asset loaded a certain number of UObjects, including the associated Events and Media. In the Wwise Unreal Integration 2022.1 and higher, even after a User-defined SoundBank is loaded, the UAkAudioEvent asset retrieves the associated data and determines exactly what it needs to correctly load, unload, prepare and unprepare Media, manage streamed files or External Sources, load Switch Containers, and so on.

Using the UAkAudioEvent asset or the LoadData function ensures that the required resources (.bnk and .wem files) are loaded. Refer to the Wwise Unreal Assets page, and the documentation section on Understanding the Wwise Unreal Integration Modules for more details.

Note that the following SoundBank Blueprint Functions were removed in 2022.1:

  • Clear Banks
  • Load Bank
  • Load Bank Async
  • Unload Bank
  • Unload Bank Async






