
Wwise Unreal Integration Documentation
Spatial Audioオブジェクトのブループリント関数


  • ConvertMesh: Converts the parent mesh to FAkGeometryData, a structure usable with Spatial Audio Geometry. スタティックメッシュタイプには、親メッシュのインデックスや頂点を使います。タイプがSimpleコリジョンメッシュであれば、親のBodySetupを、 FAkGeometryData に変換します。If the simple collision is composed of box, sphere or capsule primitives, a bounding box for each of the primitives is used. Simpleコリジョンに凸型ハル(convex hull)のプリミティブがある場合は、そのインデックスや頂点を使います。
  • RemoveGeometry: Calls AK:SpatialAudio::RemoveGeometry() to remove the geometry in Spatial Audio.
  • UpdateGeometry: Sends the FAkGeometryData components to Spatial Audio.


  • AssociateAkTextureSetComponent: Sets the component to use to estimate the HFDamping. For example, in a Blueprint that has a static mesh component with an AkGeometry child component, you can call this function in BeginPlay to associate that AkGeometry component with this reverb component. If this late reverb component has a sibling geometry component (or surface reflector set component), it is associated automatically and it is not necessary to call this function.


-SetAttenuationScalingFactor: Sets the attenuation scaling factor, which modifies the attenuation computations on the game object to simulate sounds with a larger or smaller area of effect.

  • GetPrimitiveParent: Returns the UPrimitiveComponent attached to this Ak Room Component.
  • SetGeometryComponent: Sets the geometry component to use to send the geometry of the room to Wwise. For example, in a Blueprint that has a static mesh component with an AkGeometry child component, this function can be called in BeginPlay to associate that AkGeometry component with this room component. If this room component has a sibling geometry component (or surface reflector set component), they are automatically associated and there is no need to call this function.


Several Wwise-specific actions can be executed on AkPortalComponent objects. These are available in the Ak Portal Component Category.

  • OpenPortal: Portalが開きます。Emitters positioned in the AkRoomComponent in front of and behind the Portal emit through it.
  • ClosePortal: Portalが閉じます。The Portal opening acts as an obstruction.
  • GetCurrentState: Returns an AkAcousticPortalState, which represents the state of the Portal (Open or Closed).
  • GetPrimitiveParent: Returns the UPrimitiveComponent attached to this Ak Portal Component.
  • PortalPlacementValid: ポータルのポジションとオリエンテーションが有効であれば、Trueを返します。ポータルには、フロントルームとバックルームがあります。They must have at least one connected room, and the front room must be different than the back room. Refer to AkPortalComponent and AkRoomComponent for more information.


  • SendSurfaceReflectorSet: Calls AK:SpatialAudio::SetGeometry() to convert the brush's indices and vertices to Spatial Audio Geometry data and send it to Spatial Audio.
  • RemoveSurfaceReflectorSet: Calls AK:SpatialAudio::RemoveGeometry() to remove the geometry in Spatial Audio.
  • UpdateSurfaceReflectorSet: Calls SendSurfaceReflectorSet to send a new conversion of the brush to Spatial Audio.






