
Wwise Unity Integration Documentation

◆ SetGeometryFromMesh()

static void AkSurfaceReflector.SetGeometryFromMesh ( UnityEngine.Mesh  mesh,
ulong  geometryID,
bool  enableDiffraction,
bool  enableDiffractionOnBoundaryEdges,
bool  enableTriangles,
AK.Wwise.AcousticTexture[]  acousticTextures = null,
float[]  transmissionLossValues = null,
string  name = "" 

Convert the mesh into a geometry consisting of vertices, triangles, surfaces, acoustic textures and transmission loss values. Send it to Wwise with the rest of the AkGeometryParams to add or update a geometry in Spatial Audio. It is necessary to create at least one geometry instance for each geometry set that is to be used for diffraction and reflection simulation. See SetGeometryInstance().

meshThe mesh representing the geometry to be used for diffraction and reflection simulation.
geometryIDA unique ID representing the geometry.
enableDiffractionEnable the edges of this geometry to become diffraction edges.
enableDiffractionOnBoundaryEdgesEnable the boundary edges of this geometry to become diffraction edges. Boundary edges are edges that are connected to only one triangle.
enableTrianglesWhen enabled, the geometry triangles are indexed for ray computation and used to computed reflection and diffraction. Set EnableTriangles to false when using a geometry set only to describe a room, and not for reflection and diffraction calculation.
acousticTexturesThe acoustic texture of each surface of the geometry. Acoustic textures describe the filtering when sound reflects on the surface.
transmissionLossValuesThe transmission loss value of each surface of the geometry. Transmission loss is the filtering when the sound goes through the surface.
nameA name for the geometry.

参照元 SetGeometry().






