Wwise SDK 2021.1.14
#include <AkModule.h>
公開変数類 | |
High-level memory allocation hooks. When not NULL, redirect allocations normally forwarded to rpmalloc. | |
AkMemInitForThread | pfInitForThread |
(Optional) Thread-specific allocator initialization hook. [詳解] |
AkMemTermForThread | pfTermForThread |
(Optional) Thread-specific allocator termination hook. [詳解] |
AkMemMalloc | pfMalloc |
(Optional) Memory allocation hook. [詳解] |
AkMemMalign | pfMalign |
(Optional) Memory allocation hook. [詳解] |
AkMemRealloc | pfRealloc |
(Optional) Memory allocation hook. [詳解] |
AkMemReallocAligned | pfReallocAligned |
(Optional) Memory allocation hook. [詳解] |
AkMemFree | pfFree |
(Optional) Memory allocation hook. [詳解] |
AkMemTotalReservedMemorySize | pfTotalReservedMemorySize |
(Optional) Memory allocation statistics hook. [詳解] |
AkMemSizeOfMemory | pfSizeOfMemory |
(Optional) Memory allocation statistics hook. [詳解] |
Configuration. | |
AkUInt64 | uMemAllocationSizeLimit |
When non-zero, limits the total amount of virtual and device memory allocated by AK::MemoryMgr. [詳解] |
Page allocation hooks, used by rpmalloc. Default to AKPLATFORM::AllocVM et al. | |
AkMemAllocVM | pfAllocVM |
Virtual page allocation hook. [詳解] |
AkMemFreeVM | pfFreeVM |
Virtual page allocation hook. [詳解] |
AkMemAllocVM | pfAllocDevice |
Device page allocation hook. [詳解] |
AkMemFreeVM | pfFreeDevice |
Device page allocation hook. [詳解] |
AkUInt32 | uVMPageSize |
Virtual memory page size. Defaults to 0 which means auto-detect. [詳解] |
AkUInt32 | uDevicePageSize |
Device memory page size. Defaults to 0 which means auto-detect. [詳解] |
Memory allocation debugging. | |
AkMemDebugMalloc | pfDebugMalloc |
(Optional) Memory allocation debugging hook. Used for tracking calls to pfMalloc. [詳解] |
AkMemDebugMalign | pfDebugMalign |
(Optional) Memory allocation debugging hook. Used for tracking calls to pfMalign. [詳解] |
AkMemDebugRealloc | pfDebugRealloc |
(Optional) Memory allocation debugging hook. Used for tracking calls to pfRealloc. [詳解] |
AkMemDebugReallocAligned | pfDebugReallocAligned |
(Optional) Memory allocation debugging hook. Used for tracking calls to pfReallocAligned. [詳解] |
AkMemDebugFree | pfDebugFree |
(Optional) Memory allocation debugging hook. Used for tracking calls to pfFree. [詳解] |
AkUInt32 | uMemoryDebugLevel |
Default 0 disabled. 1 debug enabled. 2 stomp allocator enabled. 3 stomp allocator and debug enabled. User implementations may use multiple non-zero values to offer different features. [詳解] |
Initialization settings for the default implementation of the Memory Manager. For more details, see 初期化.
AkModule.h の 138 行目に定義があります。