
Wwise SDK 2021.1.14

◆ LoadBank() [1/4]

AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT AK::SoundEngine::LoadBank ( AkBankID  in_bankID )

Loads a bank synchronously (by ID).

注釈: Requires that the "Use SoundBank names" option be unchecked in the Wwise Project Settings.

The bank ID is passed to the Stream Manager. Refer to 概説 for a discussion on using strings and IDs. A bank load request will be posted, and consumed by the Bank Manager thread. The function returns when the request has been completely processed.

  • AK_Success: Load or unload successful.
  • AK_InsufficientMemory: Insufficient memory to store bank data.
  • AK_BankReadError: I/O error.
  • AK_WrongBankVersion: Invalid bank version: make sure the version of Wwise that you used to generate the SoundBanks matches that of the SDK you are currently using.
  • AK_InvalidFile: File specified could not be opened.
  • AK_InvalidParameter: Invalid parameter, invalid memory alignment.
  • AK_Fail: Load or unload failed for any other reason. (Most likely small allocation failure)
  • The initialization bank must be loaded first.
  • All SoundBanks subsequently loaded must come from the same Wwise project as the initialization bank. If you need to load SoundBanks from a different project, you must first unload ALL banks, including the initialization bank, then load the initialization bank from the other project, and finally load banks from that project.
  • Codecs and plug-ins must be registered before loading banks that use them.
  • Loading a bank referencing an unregistered plug-in or codec will result in a load bank success, but the plug-ins will not be used. More specifically, playing a sound that uses an unregistered effect plug-in will result in audio playback without applying the said effect. If an unregistered source plug-in is used by an event's audio objects, posting the event will fail.
in_bankID Bank ID of the bank to load






