Wwise SDK 2021.1.14
►NAK | Audiokinetic namespace |
►NMemoryMgr | |
CCategoryStats | |
CGlobalStats | |
►NSoundEngine | |
►NDynamicSequence | |
CPlaylist | |
CPlaylistItem | |
►NQuery | |
CGameObjDst | |
CAkSyncCaller | |
►NSpatialAudio | Audiokinetic spatial audio namespace |
►NSpeakerVolumes | Multi-channel volume definitions and services |
►NStreamMgr | Audiokinetic Stream Manager's implementation-specific interfaces of the Low-Level IO submodule |
CIAkFileLocationResolver | |
CIAkIOHookBlocking | |
CIAkIOHookDeferred | |
►CIAkIOHookDeferredBatch | |
CBatchIoTransferItem | |
CIAkLowLevelIOHook | Base interface for Low-Level I/O hooks. Defines common methods across both types of hooks |
►NWin32 | Win32 namespace |
CDevice | |
►CDeviceCollection | |
CIterator | |
CDeviceEnumerator | |
CDeviceProperties | |
CDeviceProperty | |
CIAkDeviceEnumerator | Interface to access the IMMDevice cache. This avoids driver accesses |
►NWwise | |
►NSourceControlContainers | Source Control Containers namespace |
C__AkPos | Container position |
CIAkList | |
CIAkMap | |
CDefaultAudioPluginImplementation | Use this base class to quickly implement most plugin functions empty |
►CIAudioPlugin | |
CMonitorData | |
CIPluginBase | |
CIPluginMediaConverter | |
CIPluginObjectMedia | |
CIPluginObjectStore | |
CIPluginPropertySet | |
CIProgress | |
CIReadOnlyProperties | Interfaces used to set and get the properties from a plug in |
CIReadWriteProperties | |
►CISourceControl | |
CFilenameToIconMapItem | |
CFilenameToStatusMapItem | |
CIFileOperationResult | |
CIOperationResult | The base interface for operations that return information to Wwise |
COperationListItem | Operation list item. This is the type used in the AK::Wwise::ISourceControl::OperationList SourceControlContainers::IAkList template class |
CPluginInfo | Plug-in information structure. This structure gives a simple overview of the plug-in's capabilities |
CISourceControlDialogBase | |
CISourceControlOperationProgress | |
CISourceControlUtilities | |
CIWriteData | |
CIWriteString | |
CMallocator | |
COutputDeviceDescriptor | |
CPopulateTableItem | |
CSafeAllocator | |
CSourceControlConstant | This class contains static constants that can be useful to the plug-in |
CVersion | |
CAkFXParameterChangeHandler | |
CCAkValueRamp | |
CFNVHash | |
CHash30 | |
CHash32 | |
CHash64 | |
CIAk3DAudioSinkPlugin | Software plug-in interface for sink (audio end point) which supports 3D audio features |
CIAkAndroidContext | Context specific to the Android port of Wwise SDK |
CIAkAudioDeviceEffectPlugin | |
CIAkAudioDeviceEffectPluginContext | |
CIAkAutoStream | |
CIAkDeviceProfile | |
CIAkEffectPlugin | Software effect plug-in interface (see Sound Engine Effectプラグインの作成) |
CIAkEffectPluginContext | |
CIAkGameObjectPluginInfo | Game object information available to plugins |
CIAkGGPContext | Context specific to the Linux port of Wwise SDK |
CIAkGlobalPluginContext | |
CIAkInPlaceEffectPlugin | Software effect plug-in interface for in-place processing (see Sound Engine Effectプラグインの作成) |
CIAkInPlaceObjectPlugin | |
CIAkiOSContext | Context specific to the iOS port of Wwise SDK |
CIAkLinuxContext | Context specific to the Linux port of Wwise SDK |
CIAkMacContext | Context specific to the macOS port of Wwise SDK |
CIAkMetering | Interface to retrieve metering information about a buffer |
CIAkMixerEffectPlugin | Software effect plug-in interface for panner/mixer effects (see Sound Engine Effectプラグインの作成) |
CIAkMixerInputContext | |
CIAkMixerPluginContext | Interface to retrieve contextual information for a mixer |
CIAkOutOfPlaceEffectPlugin | Software effect plug-in interface for out-of-place processing (see Sound Engine Effectプラグインの作成) |
CIAkOutOfPlaceObjectPlugin | |
CIAkPlatformContext | |
CIAkPlugin | |
CIAkPluginContextBase | Interface to retrieve contextual information available to all types of plugins |
CIAkPluginMemAlloc | |
CIAkPluginParam | |
CIAkPluginService | Common interface for plug-in services accessed through the global plug-in context |
CIAkPluginServiceMixer | Interface for the "Mixer" plug-in service, to handle mixing together of signals, or applying simple transforms |
CIAkProcessorFeatures | |
CIAkPS4Context | Context specific to the PS4 port of Wwise SDK |
CIAkPS5Context | Context specific to the PS5 port of Wwise SDK |
CIAkRTPCSubscriber | |
CIAkSinkPlugin | Software interface for sink (audio endpoint) plugins |
CIAkSinkPluginBase | |
CIAkSinkPluginContext | |
CIAkSourcePlugin | Wwise sound engine source plug-in interface (see Sound Engine Sourceプラグインの作成) |
CIAkSourcePluginContext | |
CIAkStdStream | |
CIAkStreamMgr | |
CIAkStreamMgrProfile | |
CIAkStreamProfile | |
CIAkSwitchContext | Context specific to the NX port of Wwise SDK |
CIAkUWPContext | Context specific to the UWP port of Wwise SDK |
CIAkVoicePluginInfo | Voice-specific information available to plug-ins |
CIAkWin32Context | Context specific to the Win32 port of Wwise SDK |
CIAkXboxGCContext | Context specific to the XboxOneGC port of Wwise SDK |
CIAkXboxOneContext | Context specific to the Xbox One port of Wwise SDK |
CIReadBytes | |
CIWriteBuffer | |
CIWriteBytes | |
CPluginRegistration | |
CReadBytesMem | |
CReadBytesSkip | |
CWriteBytesBuffer | |
CWriteBytesCount | |
CWriteBytesMem | |
►NAkFileParser | Public data structures for converted file format |
CEnvelopePoint | Analyzed envelope point |
►NAKPLATFORM | Platform-dependent helpers |
CCAkJNIThread | Utility class for acquiring a pointer to a valid JNI environment attached to the current thread (with proper cleanup in destructor) |
CAk2DVector | |
CAk3DAudioSinkCapabilities | |
CAk3dData | |
CAk3DIntVector | |
CAk3DVector | |
CAk4DVector | |
CAkAcousticSurface | |
CAkAcousticTexture | |
►CAkArray | Specific implementation of array |
CIterator | Iterator |
CAkArrayAllocatorAlignedSimd | |
CAkArrayAllocatorNoAlign | |
CAkAssignmentMovePolicy | |
CAkAsyncIOTransferInfo | |
CAkAudioBuffer | |
CAkAudioCallbacks | |
CAkAudioFormat | Defines the parameters of an audio buffer format |
►CAkAudioObject | |
CCustomMetadata | Custom object metadata |
CAkAudioObjects | A collection of audio objects. Encapsulates the audio data and metadata of each audio object in separate arrays |
CAkAudioSessionProperties | |
CAkAudioSettings | Configured audio settings |
CAkAutoLock | |
CAkAutoStmBufSettings | Automatic streams buffer settings/constraints |
CAkAutoStmHeuristics | Automatic streams heuristics |
CAkAuxSendValue | Auxiliary bus sends information per game object per given auxiliary bus |
CAkBehavioralPositioningData | Positioning data inherited from sound structures and mix busses |
CAkBoundingBox | |
CAkBox | |
CAkBusMeteringCallbackInfo | |
CAkCallbackInfo | |
CAkChannelConfig | |
CAkChannelEmitter | Positioning information for a sound, with specified subset of its channels |
CAkCodecDescriptor | |
►CAkCommSettings | |
CPorts | |
CAkCountPolicyNoCount | |
CAkCountPolicyWithCount | |
►CAkDbString | |
CEntry | |
CInstance | |
CAkDefaultHashListBarePolicy | |
CAkDefaultSortedKeyCompare | |
CAkDeviceData | Device descriptor |
CAkDeviceDesc | Device descriptor |
CAkDeviceDescription | |
CAkDeviceSettings | |
CAkDiffractionPathInfo | |
CAkDurationCallbackInfo | |
CAkDynaBlkPool | |
CAkDynamicSequenceItemCallbackInfo | |
CAkEmitterListenerPair | Emitter-listener pair: Positioning data pertaining to a single pair of emitter and listener |
CAkEventCallbackInfo | |
CAkExtent | |
CAkExternalSourceInfo | |
CAkFileDesc | |
CAkFileSystemFlags | File system flags for file descriptors mapping |
CAkFXDurationHandler | |
CAkFXTailHandler | |
CAkGeometryParams | Parameters passed to SetGeometry |
CAkGetArrayKey | Key policy for AkSortedKeyArray |
CAkGrowByPolicy_Legacy | |
CAkGrowByPolicy_Legacy_SpatialAudio | |
CAkGrowByPolicy_NoGrow | |
CAkGrowByPolicy_Proportional | |
►CAkHashList | |
CConstIterator | |
CConstIteratorEx | |
CItem | |
CIterator | |
CIteratorEx | |
►CAkHashListBare | |
CIterator | |
CIteratorEx | |
CAkHybridAllocator | |
CAkImageSourceName | Data used to describe one image source in Wwise Reflect |
CAkImageSourceParams | |
CAkImageSourceSettings | |
CAkImageSourceTexture | |
CAkInitSettings | |
CAkInputMapSlot | Structure of an entry in the AkMixerInputMap map |
CAkIntersectionPoints | |
CAkIoHeuristics | |
CAkIOTransferInfo | |
CAkKeyDataPtrStruct | |
CAkLastPolicyNoLast | |
CAkLastPolicyWithLast | |
CAkLine | |
►CAkListBare | Implementation of List Bare |
CIterator | Iterator |
CIteratorEx | |
CAkListBareLight | Implementation of List Bare Light |
CAkListBareLightNextItem | Next item name policy |
CAkListBareNextItem | Next item name policy |
CAkListener | Listener information |
CAkMarkerCallbackInfo | |
CAkMatrix3x3 | |
CAkMatrix4x4 | |
CAkMemSettings | |
►CAkMIDIEvent | |
CtCc | |
CtChanAftertouch | |
CtGen | |
CtNoteAftertouch | |
CtNoteOnOff | |
CtPitchBend | |
CtProgramChange | |
CtWwiseCmd | |
CAkMIDIEventCallbackInfo | |
CAkMIDIPost | |
CAkMixerInputMap | AkMixerInputMap: Map of inputs (identified with AK::IAkMixerInputContext *) to user-defined blocks of data |
CAkMusicPlaylistCallbackInfo | |
CAkMusicSettings | |
CAkMusicSyncCallbackInfo | |
CAkNonThreaded | |
CAkObjectInfo | Object information structure for QueryAudioObjectsIDs |
CAkObstructionOcclusionValues | Obstruction/occlusion pair for a position |
CAkOutputDeviceMeteringCallbackInfo | |
CAkOutputSettings | Platform-independent initialization settings of output devices |
CAkPlacementNewKey | Unique structure identifier for AkPlacementNew |
CAkPlane | |
CAkPlatformInitSettings | |
CAkPluginArrayAllocator | |
CAkPluginInfo | |
CAkPolarCoord | Polar coordinates |
CAkPoolNewKey | Unique structure identifier for AkNew |
CAkPortalParams | Parameters passed to SetPortal |
CAkPositioningData | Positioning data of 3D audio objects |
CAkPositioningInfo | Positioning information obtained from an object |
CAkQuaternion | |
CAkRamp | Volume ramp specified by end points "previous" and "next" |
CAkReflectGameData | Data structure sent by the game to an instance of the Wwise Reflect plug-in |
CAkReflectImageSource | |
CAkReflectionPathInfo | Structure for retrieving information about the indirect paths of a sound that have been calculated via the geometric reflections API. Useful for debug draw applications |
CAkResourceMonitorDataSummary | Resources data summary structure containing general information about the system |
CAkRingBuffer | |
CAkRingBufferAllocatorAligned | |
CAkRingBufferAllocatorNoAlign | |
CAkRoomID | |
CAkRoomParams | Parameters passed to SetRoom |
CAkSegmentInfo | Structure used to query info on active playing segments |
CAkSet | |
CAkSetGetKey | |
CAkSortedKeyArray | |
CAkSourcePosition | Return values for GetSourcePlayPositions |
CAkSourceSettings | Necessary settings for setting externally-loaded sources |
CAkSpatialAudioID | Base type for ID's used by Wwise spatial audio. |
CAkSpatialAudioInitSettings | Initialization settings of the spatial audio module |
CAkSpeakerVolumeMatrixCallbackInfo | |
CAkSphericalCoord | Spherical coordinates |
CAkStaticAssert | |
CAkStaticAssert< true > | |
CAkStreamData | Stream statistics |
CAkStreamInfo | |
CAkStreamMgrSettings | |
CAkStreamRecord | Stream general information |
CAkString | |
CAkStringData | |
CAkStringImpl | |
CAkStringImpl< TAlloc, char > | |
CAkTaskContext | The execution context for a task |
CAkTaskSchedulerDesc | Description of the client task scheduler |
CAkThread | |
CAkThreadProperties | |
CAkTransferMovePolicy | |
CAkTransform | Position and orientation of game objects |
CAkTriangle | Triangle for a spatial audio mesh |
CAkVector | 3D vector |
CAkVertex | Vertex for a spatial audio mesh |
►CBasePlatformID | |
CGUIDLessNative | |
CCAkCOMScope | |
CCAkHeap | |
CCAkKeyArray | |
CCAkLock | |
CCAkSmartPtr | |
CCAkVectorValueRampV4 | |
CMapStruct | |
CWwiseObjectID | |
CWwiseObjectIDext |