Wwise SDK 2019.1.11
(Plugin ID : 130)
(Class ID : 8519680)
Refer to ak.wwise.core.object.setProperty and ak.wwise.core.object.setReference to set properties and references with WAAPI. Also refer to Wwise Project のクエリ to learn how to query properties and references.
Name | Display Name | Type | Default | Restriction | Read-only | Supported RTPC Type | Supports Link/Unlink |
OutputGain | Output Gain | Real32 | 0 | [ -24 , 24 ] | false | Additive | false |
TimeStretch | Time Stretch | Real32 | 100 | [ 25 , 1600 ] | false | Exclusive | false |
TimeStretchRandom | Time Stretch Random | Real32 | 0 | [ 0 , 200 ] | false | Exclusive | false |
WindowSize | Window Size | int32 | 2048 | [ 256 , 4096 ] | false | None | false |