構成 | |
struct | AkExternalSourceInfo |
struct | AkVector |
3D vector. [詳細] |
class | AkTransform |
Position and orientation of game objects. [詳細] |
struct | AkObstructionOcclusionValues |
Obstruction/occlusion pair for a position. [詳細] |
struct | AkChannelEmitter |
Positioning information for a sound, with specified subset of its channels. [詳細] |
struct | AkPolarCoord |
Polar coordinates. [詳細] |
struct | AkSphericalCoord |
Spherical coordinates. [詳細] |
class | AkEmitterListenerPair |
Emitter-listener pair: Positioning data pertaining to a single pair of emitter and listener. [詳細] |
struct | AkListener |
Listener information. [詳細] |
struct | AkAuxSendValue |
Auxiliary bus sends information per game object per given auxiliary bus. [詳細] |
struct | AkRamp |
Volume ramp specified by end points "previous" and "next". [詳細] |
struct | WwiseObjectIDext |
struct | WwiseObjectID |
struct | AkFileParser::EnvelopePoint |
Analyzed envelope point. [詳細] |
ネームスペース | |
namespace | AK |
Audiokinetic namespace. |
namespace | AK::SoundEngine |
namespace | AkFileParser |
Public data structures for converted file format. |
マクロ定義 | |
#define | NULL ((void *)0) |
#define | AK_POINTER_64 |
Internal storage restriction, for internal use only. |
#define | AK_MAX_LANGUAGE_NAME_SIZE (32) |
Audiokinetic inc. |
Audiokinetic inc. |
#define | AKCOMPANYID_MCDSP (256) |
McDSP. |
#define | AKCOMPANYID_WAVEARTS (257) |
WaveArts. |
Phonetic Arts. |
#define | AKCOMPANYID_IZOTOPE (259) |
iZotope |
#define | AKCOMPANYID_GENAUDIO (260) |
GenAudio. |
Crankcase Audio. |
#define | AKCOMPANYID_IOSONO (262) |
Auro Technologies. |
#define | AKCOMPANYID_DOLBY (264) |
Dolby. |
Two Big Ears. |
#define | AKCOMPANYID_OCULUS (266) |
Oculus. |
Blue Ripple Sound. |
#define | AKCOMPANYID_ENZIEN (268) |
Enzien Audio. |
#define | AKCOMPANYID_KROTOS (269) |
Krotos (Dehumanizer). |
#define | AKCOMPANYID_NURULIZE (270) |
Nurulize. |
Super Powered. |
#define | AKCOMPANYID_GOOGLE (272) |
Google. |
Visisonics. |
#define | AKCODECID_BANK (0) |
Bank encoding. |
#define | AKCODECID_PCM (1) |
PCM encoding. |
#define | AKCODECID_ADPCM (2) |
ADPCM encoding. |
#define | AKCODECID_XMA (3) |
XMA encoding. |
#define | AKCODECID_VORBIS (4) |
Vorbis encoding. |
#define | AKCODECID_WIIADPCM (5) |
ADPCM encoding on the Wii. |
#define | AKCODECID_PCMEX (7) |
Standard PCM WAV file parser for Wwise Authoring. |
External Source (unknown encoding). |
#define | AKCODECID_XWMA (9) |
xWMA encoding |
#define | AKCODECID_AAC (10) |
AAC encoding (only available on Apple devices) -- see AkAACFactory.h. |
File package files generated by the File Packager utility. |
#define | AKCODECID_ATRAC9 (12) |
ATRAC-9 encoding. |
#define | AKCODECID_VAG (13) |
VAG/HE-VAG encoding. |
Profiler capture file (.prof) as written through AK::SoundEngine::StartProfilerCapture. |
Analysis file. |
#define | AKCODECID_MIDI (16) |
MIDI file. |
#define | AKCODECID_OPUS (17) |
Opus encoding. |
#define | AKCODECID_CAF (18) |
CAF file. |
#define | AK_WAVE_FORMAT_AT9 0xFFFC |
#define | AK_WAVE_FORMAT_AAC 0xAAC0 |
#define | AK_WAVE_FORMAT_OPUS 0x3039 |
#define | WAVE_FORMAT_XMA2 0x166 |
3D Positioning type. |
#define | AK_OS_STRUCT_ALIGN 4 |
OS Structures need to be aligned at 4 bytes. |
#define | AK_64B_OS_STRUCT_ALIGN 8 |
OS Structures need to be aligned at 8 bytes. |
#define | AK_ALIGN(__declaration__, uAlignmentSize) __declaration__ |
Default definition for declaration that might need to be aligned on some platforms. By default, no alignment will be done. |
#define | AK_UNALIGNED |
Refers to the __unaligned compilation flag available on some platforms. Note that so far, on the tested platform this should always be placed before the pointer symbol *. |
#define | AK_FINAL |
#define | AK_ASYNC_OPEN_DEFAULT (false) |
Refers to asynchronous file opening in default low-level IO. |
Default discovery port for most platforms using IP sockets for communication. |
#define | AkRegister |
型定義 | |
typedef AkInt32 | AkAtomic32 |
Signed 32-bit integer - Atomic Declaration. |
typedef AkInt64 | AkAtomic64 |
Signed 64-bit integer - Atomic Declaration. |
typedef AkUInt32 | AkAtomicU32 |
Unsigned 32-bit integer - Atomic Declaration. |
typedef AkIntPtr | AkAtomicPtr |
Signed platform sized integer - Atomic Declaration. |
typedef AkUInt32 | AkUniqueID |
Unique 32-bit ID. |
typedef AkUInt32 | AkStateID |
State ID. |
typedef AkUInt32 | AkStateGroupID |
State group ID. |
typedef AkUInt32 | AkPlayingID |
Playing ID. |
typedef AkInt32 | AkTimeMs |
Time in ms. |
typedef AkUInt16 | AkPortNumber |
Port number. |
typedef AkReal32 | AkPitchValue |
Pitch value. |
typedef AkReal32 | AkVolumeValue |
Volume value( also apply to LFE ). |
typedef AkUInt64 | AkGameObjectID |
Game object ID. |
typedef AkReal32 | AkLPFType |
Low-pass filter type. |
typedef AkInt32 | AkMemPoolId |
Memory pool ID. |
typedef AkUInt32 | AkPluginID |
Source or effect plug-in ID. |
typedef AkUInt32 | AkCodecID |
Codec plug-in ID. |
typedef AkUInt32 | AkAuxBusID |
Auxilliary bus ID. |
typedef AkInt16 | AkPluginParamID |
Source or effect plug-in parameter ID. |
typedef AkInt8 | AkPriority |
Priority. |
typedef AkUInt16 | AkDataCompID |
Data compression format ID. |
typedef AkUInt16 | AkDataTypeID |
Data sample type ID. |
typedef AkUInt8 | AkDataInterleaveID |
Data interleaved state ID. |
typedef AkUInt32 | AkSwitchGroupID |
Switch group ID. |
typedef AkUInt32 | AkSwitchStateID |
Switch ID. |
typedef AkUInt32 | AkRtpcID |
Real time parameter control ID. |
typedef AkReal32 | AkRtpcValue |
Real time parameter control value. |
typedef AkUInt32 | AkBankID |
Run time bank ID. |
typedef AkUInt32 | AkFileID |
Integer-type file identifier. |
typedef AkUInt32 | AkDeviceID |
I/O device ID. |
typedef AkUInt32 | AkTriggerID |
Trigger ID. |
typedef AkUInt32 | AkArgumentValueID |
Argument value ID. |
typedef AkUInt32 | AkChannelMask |
Channel mask (similar to WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE). Bit values are defined in AkSpeakerConfig.h. |
typedef AkUInt32 | AkModulatorID |
Modulator ID. |
typedef AkUInt32 | AkAcousticTextureID |
Acoustic Texture ID. |
typedef AkUInt32 | AkImageSourceID |
Image Source ID. |
typedef AkUInt64 | AkOutputDeviceID |
Audio Output device ID. |
typedef AkTransform | AkSoundPosition |
Positioning information for a sound. |
typedef AkTransform | AkListenerPosition |
Positioning information for a listener. |
typedef IAkSoftwareCodec *(* | AkCreateFileSourceCallback )(void *in_pCtx) |
Registered file source creation function prototype. |
typedef IAkSoftwareCodec *(* | AkCreateBankSourceCallback )(void *in_pCtx) |
Registered bank source node creation function prototype. |
typedef AkInt16 | AkCaptureType |
Default value: capture type is short. |
列挙型 | |
enum |
AKRESULT { AK_NotImplemented = 0, AK_Success = 1, AK_Fail = 2, AK_PartialSuccess = 3, AK_NotCompatible = 4, AK_AlreadyConnected = 5, AK_NameNotSet = 6, AK_InvalidFile = 7, AK_AudioFileHeaderTooLarge = 8, AK_MaxReached = 9, AK_InputsInUsed = 10, AK_OutputsInUsed = 11, AK_InvalidName = 12, AK_NameAlreadyInUse = 13, AK_InvalidID = 14, AK_IDNotFound = 15, AK_InvalidInstanceID = 16, AK_NoMoreData = 17, AK_NoSourceAvailable = 18, AK_StateGroupAlreadyExists = 19, AK_InvalidStateGroup = 20, AK_ChildAlreadyHasAParent = 21, AK_InvalidLanguage = 22, AK_CannotAddItseflAsAChild = 23, AK_UserNotInList = 29, AK_NoTransitionPoint = 30, AK_InvalidParameter = 31, AK_ParameterAdjusted = 32, AK_IsA3DSound = 33, AK_NotA3DSound = 34, AK_ElementAlreadyInList = 35, AK_PathNotFound = 36, AK_PathNoVertices = 37, AK_PathNotRunning = 38, AK_PathNotPaused = 39, AK_PathNodeAlreadyInList = 40, AK_PathNodeNotInList = 41, AK_VoiceNotFound = 42, AK_DataNeeded = 43, AK_NoDataNeeded = 44, AK_DataReady = 45, AK_NoDataReady = 46, AK_NoMoreSlotAvailable = 47, AK_SlotNotFound = 48, AK_ProcessingOnly = 49, AK_MemoryLeak = 50, AK_CorruptedBlockList = 51, AK_InsufficientMemory = 52, AK_Cancelled = 53, AK_UnknownBankID = 54, AK_IsProcessing = 55, AK_BankReadError = 56, AK_InvalidSwitchType = 57, AK_VoiceDone = 58, AK_UnknownEnvironment = 59, AK_EnvironmentInUse = 60, AK_UnknownObject = 61, AK_NoConversionNeeded = 62, AK_FormatNotReady = 63, AK_WrongBankVersion = 64, AK_DataReadyNoProcess = 65, AK_FileNotFound = 66, AK_DeviceNotReady = 67, AK_CouldNotCreateSecBuffer = 68, AK_BankAlreadyLoaded = 69, AK_RenderedFX = 71, AK_ProcessNeeded = 72, AK_ProcessDone = 73, AK_MemManagerNotInitialized = 74, AK_StreamMgrNotInitialized = 75, AK_SSEInstructionsNotSupported = 76, AK_Busy = 77, AK_UnsupportedChannelConfig = 78, AK_PluginMediaNotAvailable = 79, AK_MustBeVirtualized = 80, AK_CommandTooLarge = 81, AK_RejectedByFilter = 82, AK_InvalidCustomPlatformName = 83, AK_DLLCannotLoad = 84, AK_DLLPathNotFound = 85, AK_NoJavaVM = 86, AK_OpenSLError = 87, AK_PluginNotRegistered = 88, AK_DataAlignmentError = 89, AK_DuplicateUniqueID = 90, AK_InitBankNotLoaded = 92 } |
Standard function call result. [詳細] |
enum | AkGroupType { AkGroupType_Switch = 0, AkGroupType_State = 1 } |
Game sync group type. [詳細] |
enum | AkConnectionType { ConnectionType_Direct = 0x0, ConnectionType_GameDefSend = 0x1, ConnectionType_UserDefSend = 0x2 } |
Nature of the connection binding an input to a bus. [詳細] |
enum |
AkCurveInterpolation { AkCurveInterpolation_Log3 = 0, AkCurveInterpolation_Sine = 1, AkCurveInterpolation_Log1 = 2, AkCurveInterpolation_InvSCurve = 3, AkCurveInterpolation_Linear = 4, AkCurveInterpolation_SCurve = 5, AkCurveInterpolation_Exp1 = 6, AkCurveInterpolation_SineRecip = 7, AkCurveInterpolation_Exp3 = 8, AkCurveInterpolation_LastFadeCurve = 8, AkCurveInterpolation_Constant = 9 } |
Curve interpolation types. [詳細] |
enum |
AkMemPoolAttributes { AkNoAlloc = 0, AkMalloc = 1, AkAllocMask = AkNoAlloc | AkMalloc, AkFixedSizeBlocksMode = 1<<3, AkBlockMgmtMask = AkFixedSizeBlocksMode, AkNoAlloc = 0, AkMalloc = 1<<0, AkVirtualAlloc = 1<<1, AkAllocMask = AkNoAlloc | AkMalloc | AkVirtualAlloc, AkFixedSizeBlocksMode = 1<<3, AkBlockMgmtMask = AkFixedSizeBlocksMode, AkNoAlloc = 0, AkMalloc = 1<<0, AkAPUAlloc = 1<<1, AkAllocMask = AkNoAlloc | AkMalloc | AkAPUAlloc, AkFixedSizeBlocksMode = 1<<3, AkBlockMgmtMask = AkFixedSizeBlocksMode } |
enum | AK::SoundEngine::MultiPositionType { AK::SoundEngine::MultiPositionType_SingleSource, AK::SoundEngine::MultiPositionType_MultiSources, AK::SoundEngine::MultiPositionType_MultiDirections } |
enum | AkPannerType { Ak2D = 0, Ak3D = 1 } |
enum | AkPositionSourceType { AkUserDef = 0, AkGameDef = 1 } |
enum | AkPanningRule { AkPanningRule_Speakers = 0, AkPanningRule_Headphones = 1 } |
Headphone / speakers panning rules. [詳細] |
enum | Ak3DSpatializationMode { AK_SpatializationMode_None = 0, AK_SpatializationMode_PositionOnly = 1, AK_SpatializationMode_PositionAndOrientation = 2 } |
3D spatialization mode. [詳細] |
enum | AkBusHierarchyFlags { AkBusHierarchy_Primary = 1 << 0, AkBusHierarchy_Secondary = 1 << 1, AkBusHierarchy_IsMaster = 1 << 7 } |
Bus type bit field. [詳細] |
enum |
AkMeteringFlags { AK_NoMetering = 0, AK_EnableBusMeter_Peak = 1 << 0, AK_EnableBusMeter_TruePeak = 1 << 1, AK_EnableBusMeter_RMS = 1 << 2, AK_EnableBusMeter_KPower = 1 << 4 } |
Metering flags. Used for specifying bus metering, through AK::SoundEngine::RegisterBusVolumeCallback() or AK::IAkMixerPluginContext::SetMeteringFlags(). [詳細] |
enum |
AkPluginType { AkPluginTypeNone = 0, AkPluginTypeCodec = 1, AkPluginTypeSource = 2, AkPluginTypeEffect = 3, AkPluginTypeMixer = 6, AkPluginTypeSink = 7, AkPluginTypeMask = 0xf } |
enum | AkNodeType { AkNodeType_Default, AkNodeType_Bus } |
関数 | |
AkRamp | operator* (const AkRamp &in_rLhs, const AkRamp &in_rRhs) |
void *__cdecl | AK::AllocHook (size_t in_size) |
void __cdecl | AK::FreeHook (void *in_pMemAddress) |
変数 | |
static const AkPluginID | AK_INVALID_PLUGINID = (AkPluginID)-1 |
Invalid FX ID. |
static const AkGameObjectID | AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT = (AkGameObjectID)-1 |
Invalid game object (may also mean all game objects). |
static const AkUniqueID | AK_INVALID_UNIQUE_ID = 0 |
Invalid unique 32-bit ID. |
Invalid RTPC ID. |
Invalid playing ID. |
static const AkUInt32 | AK_DEFAULT_SWITCH_STATE = 0 |
Switch selected if no switch has been set yet. |
static const AkMemPoolId | AK_INVALID_POOL_ID = -1 |
Invalid pool ID. |
static const AkMemPoolId | AK_DEFAULT_POOL_ID = -1 |
Default pool ID, same as AK_INVALID_POOL_ID. |
Invalid auxiliary bus ID (or no Aux bus ID). |
static const AkFileID | AK_INVALID_FILE_ID = (AkFileID)-1 |
Invalid file ID. |
static const AkDeviceID | AK_INVALID_DEVICE_ID = (AkDeviceID)-1 |
Invalid streaming device ID. |
Invalid bank ID. |
static const AkArgumentValueID | AK_FALLBACK_ARGUMENTVALUE_ID = 0 |
Fallback argument value ID. |
static const AkChannelMask | AK_INVALID_CHANNELMASK = 0 |
Invalid channel mask. |
Invalid Device ID. |
static const AkPriority | AK_DEFAULT_PRIORITY = 50 |
Default sound / I/O priority. |
static const AkPriority | AK_MIN_PRIORITY = 0 |
Minimal priority value [0,100]. |
static const AkPriority | AK_MAX_PRIORITY = 100 |
Maximal priority value [0,100]. |
Default bank load I/O priority. |
static const AkReal32 | AK_DEFAULT_BANK_THROUGHPUT = 1*1024*1024/1000.f |
Default bank load throughput (1 Mb/ms). |
static const AkUInt32 | AK_SOUNDBANK_VERSION = 128 |
Version of the soundbank reader. |
Data type definitions.
AkTypes.h で定義されています。