AK::Wwise::SourceControlContainers::__AkPos |
Container position |
Ak2DVector |
Ak3DIntVector |
Ak3DVector |
Ak4DVector |
AkAcousticTexture |
AkArray< T, ARG_T, TAlloc, TGrowBy, TMovePolicy > |
Specific implementation of array |
AkArrayAllocatorAlignedSimd< U_POOL > |
AkArrayAllocatorNoAlign< U_POOL > |
AkAssignmentMovePolicy< T > |
AkAsyncIOTransferInfo |
AkAudioBuffer |
AkAudioCallbacks |
AkAudioFormat |
Defines the parameters of an audio buffer format |
AkAudioSessionProperties |
AkAudioSettings |
Configured audio settings |
AkAutoLock< TLock > |
AkAutoStmBufSettings |
Automatic streams buffer settings/constraints |
AkAutoStmHeuristics |
Automatic streams heuristics |
AkAuxSendValue |
Auxiliary bus sends information per game object per given auxiliary bus |
AkBoundingBox |
AkBox |
AkCallbackInfo |
AkChannelConfig |
AkChannelEmitter |
Positioning information for a sound, with specified subset of its channels |
AkCommSettings |
AkCountPolicyNoCount< T > |
AkCountPolicyWithCount< T > |
AkDbString< TAlloc, T_CHAR, tLock > |
AkDefaultHashListBarePolicy< T_KEY, T_MAPSTRUCT > |
AkDefaultSortedKeyCompare< T_KEY > |
AkDeviceData |
Device descriptor |
AkDeviceDesc |
Device descriptor |
AkDeviceSettings |
AkDurationCallbackInfo |
AkDynaBlkPool< T, uPoolChunkSize, TAlloc > |
AkDynamicSequenceItemCallbackInfo |
AkEmitterListenerPair |
Emitter-listener pair: Positioning data pertaining to a single pair of emitter and listener |
AkEmitterSettings |
Settings for a sound emitter |
AkEventCallbackInfo |
AkExternalSourceInfo |
AkFileDesc |
AkFileSystemFlags |
File system flags for file descriptors mapping |
AkFXDurationHandler |
AK::AkFXParameterChangeHandler< T_MAXNUMPARAMS > |
AkFXTailHandler |
AkGetArrayKey< T_KEY, T_ITEM > |
Key policy for AkSortedKeyArray |
AkHashList< T_KEY, T_ITEM, T_ALLOC > |
AkHybridAllocator< uBufferSizeBytes, uAlignmentSize > |
AkImageSourceName |
Data used to describe one image source in Wwise Reflect |
AkImageSourceParams |
AkImageSourceSettings |
AkImageSourceTexture |
AkInitSettings |
AkInputMapSlot< USER_DATA > |
Structure of an entry in the AkMixerInputMap map |
AkIntersectionPoints |
AkIoHeuristics |
AkIOTransferInfo |
AkKeyDataPtrStruct< T_KEY, T_DATA, T_ALLOC > |
AkLastPolicyNoLast< T > |
AkLastPolicyWithLast< T > |
AkLine |
Implementation of List Bare |
AkListBareLight< T, U_NEXTITEM > |
Implementation of List Bare Light |
AkListBareLightNextItem< T > |
Next item name policy |
AkListBareNextItem< T > |
Next item name policy |
AkListener |
Listener information |
AkMarkerCallbackInfo |
AkMatrix3x3 |
AkMatrix4x4 |
AkMemSettings |
AkMIDIEvent |
AkMIDIEventCallbackInfo |
AkMIDIPost |
AkMixerInputMap< USER_DATA > |
AkMixerInputMap: Map of inputs (identified with AK::IAkMixerInputContext *) to user-defined blocks of data |
AkMusicPlaylistCallbackInfo |
AkMusicSettings |
AkMusicSyncCallbackInfo |
AkNonThreaded |
AkObjectInfo |
Object information structure for QueryAudioObjectsIDs |
AkObstructionOcclusionValues |
Obstruction/occlusion pair for a position |
AkOutputSettings |
Platform-independent initialization settings of output devices |
AkPlacementNewKey |
Unique structure identifier for AkPlacementNew |
AkPlane |
AkPlatformInitSettings |
AkPluginArrayAllocator |
AkPluginInfo |
AkPolarCoord |
Polar coordinates |
AkPoolNewKey |
Unique structure identifier for AkNew |
AkPortalParams |
Parameters passed to SetPortal |
AkPositioningInfo |
Positioning information obtained from an object |
AkPropagationPathInfo |
Structure for retrieving information about the sound propagation paths that have been calculated via the rooms and portals API. Useful for debug draw applications |
AkQuaternion |
AkRamp |
Volume ramp specified by end points "previous" and "next" |
AkReflectGameData |
Data structure sent by the game to an instance of the Wwise Reflect plug-in |
AkReflectImageSource |
AkRoomID |
AkRoomParams |
Parameters passed to SetRoom |
AkSegmentInfo |
Structure used to query info on active playing segments |
AkSet< T, U_POOL, uGrowBy > |
AkSetGetKey< T > |
AkSortedKeyArray< T_KEY, T_ITEM, U_POOL, U_KEY, TGrowBy, TMovePolicy, TComparePolicy > |
AkSoundPathInfo |
Structure for retrieving information about the indirect paths of a sound that have been calculated via the geometric reflections API. Useful for debug draw applications |
AkSourcePosition |
Return values for GetSourcePlayPositions |
AkSourceSettings |
Necessary settings for setting externally-loaded sources |
AkSpatialAudioID |
Base type for ID's used by Wwise spatial audio |
AkSpatialAudioInitSettings |
Initialization settings of the spatial audio module |
AkSpeakerVolumeMatrixCallbackInfo |
AkSphericalCoord |
Spherical coordinates |
AkStaticAssert< b > |
AkStaticAssert< true > |
AkStreamData |
Stream statistics |
AkStreamInfo |
AkStreamMgrSettings |
AkStreamRecord |
Stream general information |
AkString< TAlloc, T_CHAR > |
AkStringData< TAlloc, T_CHAR > |
AkStringImpl< TAlloc, T_CHAR > |
AkStringImpl< TAlloc, char > |
AK::SoundEngine::AkSyncCaller |
AkThreadProperties |
AkTransferMovePolicy< T > |
AkTransform |
Position and orientation of game objects |
AkTriangle |
Structure for describing information about individual triangles |
AkVector |
3D vector |
BasePlatformID |
CAkKeyArray< T_KEY, T_ITEM, U_POOL, TGrowBy, TMovePolicy > |
CAkLock |
CAkSmartPtr< T > |
AK::CAkValueRamp |
CAkVectorValueRampV4 |
AK::Wwise::DefaultAudioPluginImplementation |
Use this base class to quickly implement most plugin functions empty |
AkDbString< TAlloc, T_CHAR, tLock >::Entry |
AkFileParser::EnvelopePoint |
Analyzed envelope point |
AK::Wwise::ISourceControl::FilenameToIconMapItem |
AK::Wwise::ISourceControl::FilenameToStatusMapItem |
AK::FNVHash< HashParams > |
AK::SoundEngine::Query::GameObjDst |
BasePlatformID::GUIDLessNative |
AK::Hash30 |
AK::Hash32 |
AK::Hash64 |
AK::IAkAutoStream |
AK::IAkDeviceProfile |
AK::IAkEffectPlugin |
Software effect plug-in interface (see Wwise サウンドエンジン エフェクトプラグインの作成方法) |
AK::IAkEffectPluginContext |
AK::StreamMgr::IAkFileLocationResolver |
AK::IAkGameObjectPluginInfo |
Game object information available to plugins |
AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext |
Global plugin context used for plugin registration/initialization. Games query this interface from the sound engine |
AK::IAkInPlaceEffectPlugin |
Software effect plug-in interface for in-place processing (see Wwise サウンドエンジン エフェクトプラグインの作成方法) |
AK::StreamMgr::IAkIOHookBlocking |
AK::StreamMgr::IAkIOHookDeferred |
AK::Wwise::SourceControlContainers::IAkList< Type, Arg_Type > |
AK::StreamMgr::IAkLowLevelIOHook |
Base interface for Low-Level I/O hooks. Defines common methods across both types of hooks |
AK::Wwise::SourceControlContainers::IAkMap< Key, Arg_Key, Value, Arg_Value > |
AK::IAkMetering |
Interface to retrieve metering information about a buffer |
AK::IAkMixerEffectPlugin |
Software effect plug-in interface for panner/mixer effects (see Wwise サウンドエンジン エフェクトプラグインの作成方法) |
AK::IAkMixerInputContext |
Interface to retrieve information about an input of a mixer |
AK::IAkMixerPluginContext |
Interface to retrieve contextual information for a mixer |
AK::IAkOutOfPlaceEffectPlugin |
Software effect plug-in interface for out-of-place processing (see Wwise サウンドエンジン エフェクトプラグインの作成方法) |
AK::IAkPlugin |
AK::IAkPluginContextBase |
Interface to retrieve contextual information available to all types of plugins |
AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc |
AK::IAkPluginParam |
AK::IAkProcessorFeatures |
AK::IAkRTPCSubscriber |
AK::IAkSinkPlugin |
Software effect plug-in interface for sink (audio end point) plugins |
AK::IAkSinkPluginContext |
AK::IAkSourcePlugin |
Wwise sound engine source plug-in interface (see Wwise サウンドエンジン ソースプラグインの作成方法) |
AK::IAkSourcePluginContext |
AK::IAkStdStream |
AK::IAkStreamMgr |
AK::IAkStreamMgrProfile |
AK::IAkStreamProfile |
AK::IAkVoicePluginInfo |
AK::Wwise::IAudioPlugin |
AK::Wwise::IDoubleProgress |
Add support for a second progress bar to the IProgress interfaces |
AK::Wwise::ISourceControl::IFileOperationResult |
AkDbString< TAlloc, T_CHAR, tLock >::Instance |
AK::Wwise::ISourceControl::IOperationResult |
The base interface for operations that return information to Wwise |
AK::Wwise::IPluginBase |
AK::Wwise::IPluginMediaConverter |
AK::Wwise::IPluginObjectMedia |
AK::Wwise::IPluginObjectStore |
AK::Wwise::IPluginPropertySet |
AK::Wwise::IProgress |
AK::IReadBytes |
AK::Wwise::IReadOnlyProperties |
Interfaces used to set and get the properties from a plug in |
AK::Wwise::IReadWriteProperties |
AK::Wwise::ISourceControl |
AK::Wwise::ISourceControlDialogBase |
AK::Wwise::ISourceControlOperationProgress |
AK::Wwise::ISourceControlUtilities |
AkHashList< T_KEY, T_ITEM, T_ALLOC >::Item |
Iterator |
AkHashList< T_KEY, T_ITEM, T_ALLOC >::Iterator |
AkArray< T, ARG_T, TAlloc, TGrowBy, TMovePolicy >::Iterator |
Iterator |
AkHashListBare< T_KEY, T_MAPSTRUCT, T_ALLOC, KEY_POLICY >::Iterator |
AkHashListBare< T_KEY, T_MAPSTRUCT, T_ALLOC, KEY_POLICY >::IteratorEx |
AkHashList< T_KEY, T_ITEM, T_ALLOC >::IteratorEx |
AK::IWriteBuffer |
AK::IWriteBytes |
AK::Wwise::IWriteData |
AK::Wwise::IWriteString |
AK::Wwise::Mallocator |
MapStruct< T_KEY, T_ITEM > |
AK::Wwise::IAudioPlugin::MonitorData |
AK::Wwise::ISourceControl::OperationListItem |
Operation list item. This is the type used in the AK::Wwise::ISourceControl::OperationList SourceControlContainers::IAkList template class |
AK::Wwise::OutputDeviceDescriptor |
AK::SoundEngine::DynamicSequence::Playlist |
AK::SoundEngine::DynamicSequence::PlaylistItem |
AK::Wwise::ISourceControl::PluginInfo |
Plug-in information structure. This structure gives a simple overview of the plug-in's capabilities |
AK::PluginRegistration |
AK::MemoryMgr::PoolMemInfo |
AK::MemoryMgr::PoolStats |
AK::Wwise::PopulateTableItem |
AkCommSettings::Ports |
AK::ReadBytesMem |
AK::Wwise::SafeAllocator< T > |
AK::Wwise::SourceControlConstant |
This class contains static constants that can be useful to the plug-in |
TAlloc |
AkMIDIEvent::tCc |
AkMIDIEvent::tChanAftertouch |
AkMIDIEvent::tGen |
AkMIDIEvent::tNoteAftertouch |
AkMIDIEvent::tNoteOnOff |
AkMIDIEvent::tPitchBend |
AkMIDIEvent::tProgramChange |
AK::Wwise::Version |
AK::WriteBytesMem |
WwiseObjectID |
WwiseObjectIDext |