Unity and Wwise - Raycasting with Layermasks

Using raycasts is great for lots of things, the problem is usually that they tend to hit things that you don't want and don't continue afterwards.

This video will show you how to mark things with Layermasks and hit only those - creating a great way of choosing whether an object should trigger our occlusion ray or not.
You can even change this value on the fly.


Cujo Sound: Is a video game audio development channel by Bjørn Jacobsen. Aka. CCP WhiteNoiseTrash (From when I was working on EVE Online)

I discuss game audio development, implementation, asset creation, thoughts, ideas, opinions. Everything from home made simple recordings, over in-engine implementation to massive final productions of cinematics.

The usual promotional ramble stuff:
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Follow me on Twitter: @WhiteNoiseTrash for updates and news on this channel and my occasional opinion on something.

I also run an Instagram with lots of pictures and information to come on sound design and game audio: https://www.instagram.com/cujosound/

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6901 ビュー



Empowering Your Sound Designer: Custom Tools and Workflows with Wwise & Unity 3D


Wwise 301 L6-01 | Creating an Aux Environment


Unreal music integration with wwise



Empowering Your Sound Designer: Custom Tools and Workflows with Wwise & Unity 3D

2683 ビュー

Wwise 301 L6-01 | Creating an Aux Environment

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