Be WWise with Unity - L05 - Callbacks - C#

Hello everyone, this is the first series of my, about WWise. I'll try to cover basic usages of WWise on Unity, with examples and some tricks. I hope you find these lectures useful and help you learn more about this.

I also started the updated version of this series, you can check that for updated and extended usages of these.

In this video, we will dig callback function and usages of it, what it really does or when. I put little demo on use-case, but it has much more potential to gather.

I also recommend anyone interesting to WWise, to check AudioKinetic's official WWise 101 lectures. These are super helpful to get basics.
AudioKinetic WWise 101

Personal Website

Time stamps
0:00 - Intro
0:16 - Creating Music Switch Container and States w/ WWise
2:48 - Music Switch Container Transitions w/ WWise
7:04 - Posting Event (w/ States)
8:16 - Testing States
9:51 - Creating State Functions
10:51 - Creating a Zone to Trigger State
12:07 - Minor Improvements
14:28 - Outro

#WWise #Unity #GameAudio

443 ビュー



Be WWise with Unity - L04 - States - C#


Be WWise with Unity - L03 - Switches - C#


Be WWise with Unity - L02 - Control RTPC - C#



Be WWise with Unity - L04 - States - C#

685 ビュー

Be WWise with Unity - L03 - Switches - C#

476 ビュー