One Minute Wwise | Setting States using Event Cues

How to set a State from a Music Track using Event Cues. No commercials, no lengthy introductions. Let's take a practical problem posted online and apply it in the Wwise Adventure Game!
* Special thanks to Andreas Busk for allowing us to use his post.

To show just how powerful Event Cues can be, let's take this example from Andreas, and apply it in the Wwise Adventure Game. Let's begin. Andreas will need the musical parts, to trigger 2 Events. One that Enables the ambience, and one that disables the ambience. To do this, we'll start in Wwise by creating a Random Container with the ambience. In the States tab, we'll create a new State Group called Ambience_States, and add two new states - On and Off. When it's set to off, we'll turn down the volume. Now let's make two Events. One that sets the State to On, and one for Off. Next, open the Woodlands Music. This is where we'll allow the ambience to play. Now to add an Event Cue, you right-click inside the Music Track and click Add (Music) Event Cue, and now select the Ambience_On Event. Then we'll add another Event Cue to the Village Music, and set that one to the Ambience_Off Event. Let's try this out in the Soundcaster. Play the Village Music and the Ambience. Then switch to the Woodlands. Notice how the Ambience is now present. Then let's switch back to the Village. And it's gone. That's it.

* Event Cues:
* State:
* Random Container:
* Wwise Adventure Game:
* Soundcaster:
* About Wwise:

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