Wwise Up On Air Hands-On | Reflect Phasing Mitigation

Join us as we go hand's on with Refelct, the early reflections plug-in for Wwise to illustrate the natural phenomenon of phasing and the tools in Wwise 2023.1 to help mitigate phasing.

00:00:00 Start
00:05:00 Introduction
00:09:25 First Question from the Chat: How many Delay Lines?
00:11:07 Agenda
00:12:20 What does phasing sound like?
00:17:55 Technical Difficulties Part 1
00:19:09 What is phasing summary
00:19:34 Phasing in real life: Fountain examples
00:22:33 Technical Difficulties Part 2
00:35:09 Wave Interference
00:37:33 Phasing Spectrum
00:39:10 Microphone placements
00:40:39 Simulating the fountain
00:42:55 Reflect Plug-in
00:47:59 Recreating the fountain with Wwise
00:49:01 Demo: Fountain and phasing
00:50:50 Visualizing Paths in the Wwise Game Object 3D Viewer
00:52:25 Phase mitigation tools: Clustering
00:54:23 Demo: Fountain reflection clustering
00:58:29 Phase mitigation tools: Decorrelation
01:03:14 Demo Fountain: Decorrelation - Favor Performance
01:04:48 Decorrelation: Spectral Coloring
01:07:15 Demo Drums: Decorrelation - Favor Performance
01:08:50 Decorrelation Takeaway
01:10:00 Decorrelation - Favor Quality
01:10:53 Demo Fountain: Decorrelation - Favor Quality
01:12:00 Demo Fountain: Comparison - Performance vs Quality Modes
01:13:46 Phase mitigation summary
01:15:00 Stereo Image Widening
01:16:01 Demo Drums: Stereo Image Widening
01:18:20 Q: How does Reflect work, technically?
01:19:37 Q: How does Reflect work in immersive formats?
01:24:21 Q: How is the reflection path calculated?
01:25:20 Q: Active emitters/ reflections vs performance?
01:27:13 Ending Notes/ Wrap Up
01:28:30 Spatial Audio Blogs & Livestream Schedule
01:30:10 Last words

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Audiokinetic Powered By Wwise: https://www.audiokinetic.com/en/solutions/powered-by-wwise/
Audiokinetic Certification: https://www.audiokinetic.com/en/education/learn-wwise/

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