Heavy Weapons Medieval | Strata Collection Trailer

If you're creating the soundscape for a battle or seige set in the dark ages, you should fill your SFX armory with Heavy Weapons Medieval! This multitrack collection of armament sounds from the medieval times will ignite your period projects.

Inside, you’ll find a large selection of heavy war machinery and weapons to make your battlefields sing; siege engines, ballistas, battering rams, catapults, cauldrons, and more.

You’ll also have multiple layers of detail and variation at your fingertips for every aspect of a weapon’s use, including moving, firing, priming, and load releasing, as well as impacts on various surfaces and projectile sizes.

For more information on Strata, visit: https://hubs.ly/Q02xkr930
For more information on the Strata Heavy Weapons Medieval collection, visit:

To subscribe to free Strata sample collections, visit: https://hubs.ly/Q02xkrf20

Product documentation: https://hubs.ly/Q02xkrkS0

Strata Q&A: https://hubs.ly/Q02xks9S0

226 ビュー



Heavy Weapons Medieval | Strata Collection Review


Ambience Detailed Rain | Strata Collection Overview


Ambience Detailed Rain | Strata Collection Trailer



Heavy Weapons Medieval | Strata Collection Review

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Ambience Detailed Rain | Strata Collection Overview

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