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GME Demo Keyboard Controls

You can assign the following commands to keyboard shortcuts:

  • Up/Down or W/S: Move vertically between items on the page.

  • Left/Right or A/D: Change values for items displayed inside angle brackets:

    • Room ID: Set the Room ID. The step size is 100.

    • User ID: Set the User ID. Each user inside the same room must have a unique User ID.

    • Stream Profile: Set the audio profile of the chat room as Low Latency, Standard or HD. The default is Low Latency.

    • Send: Set the DSP effects (third-party reverb and voice effects from Wwise) that process the voice being sent.

    • Send Route: Enable or disable the loopback for the voice being sent.

    • Receive 1: Specify the user ID that you want to receive. The default step size is 100.

    • Receive 2: Specify the user ID that you want to receive. The default step size is 100.

    • Team ID: Specify the team ID to which the user ID belongs.

    • Team Mode: Set the team mode to Global or Team.

    • Recv Range: Set the receiving range to use in the global mode of the proximity settings. The default step size is 100.

    • PositionX: Set the position of the user on a single axis. The default step size is 30.

  • Enter: Activates the selected item or enters the settings subpage of the selected item. On game consoles, use the A or cross button instead, depending on the console:

    • Enter Main Page: Enter the main GME function (send and receive) page, which loads the GME sound bank.

    • Send: Enters the route settings subpage for the voice being sent.

    • Send Music: Enter the route settings subpage for the music being sent.

    • Receive 1: Enter the position settings subpage for the voice being received.

    • Receive 2: Enter the position settings subpage for the voice being received.

  • Space or Esc: Return to the parent page. On game consoles, use the B or circle button instead, depending on the console.

  • Q: Start or stop the selected GME operation. On game consoles, use the X or square button instead, depending on the console.

    • Local Effect: Start or stop the game object sound playback.

    • Local Music: Start or stop the BGM playback.

    • Send: Start or stop sending the voice captured by the microphone to the chat room.

    • Send Music: Start or stop sending the music to the chat room.

    • Receive All: Start or stop receiving all the voices from the chat room.

    • Receive 1: Start or stop receiving the voice of the specified ID from the chat room.

    • Receive 2: Start or stop receiving the voice of the specified ID from the chat room.

  • E: Pause or resume the selected operation. On game consoles, use the Y or triangle button instead, depending on the console.

    • Local Effect: Pause or resume the game object sound playback.

    • Local Music: Pause or resume the BGM playback.

    • Send: Pause or resume sending the voice captured by the microphone to the chat room.

    • Send Music: Pause or resume sending the music to the chat room.

    • Receive All: Pause or resume receiving all the voice from the chat room.

    • Receive 1: Pause or resume receiving the voice of the specified ID from the chat room.

    • Receive 2: Pause or resume receiving the voice of the specified ID from the chat room.

  • Arrow keys: Set 3D positioning of the voice sound object using Wwise 3D spatialization.

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