












Finding the project elements that reference a particular object

There might be cases during the development of your project where you want to find all the elements in your project that contain direct references to a particular object. For example, you might want to find which Events reference a particular object or which SoundBanks reference a particular Event. In Wwise, you can do this with the Find All References command that is accessible from most of the shortcut menus. All elements that reference a particular object are displayed in the Reference View, where you can open each project element, make changes, if necessary, and then move on.


Only the project elements that contain a direct reference to a particular object or element will be displayed in the reference view.

In most cases, you will focus your search for references to one particular object, but you can also find all elements that reference a series of objects.


The reference list does not get updated automatically, so if changes are made to the project, you will need to update the reference list manually by clicking the Refresh button.

To find project elements that reference a particular object:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Right-click a project element or selection of project elements and select Find all references from the shortcut menu.

    • Open the Reference view by pressing Shift+F3, and then drag one object or a selection of objects to the References to: field.

    • Open the Reference view by pressing Shift+F3, click the browse button beside the References to: field, select the project element, and then click OK.


    If you press Shift+F3 while an object or element is selected in the Project Explorer, Property Editor, or the Reference View, Wwise automatically searches for objects that contain references to the selected object.

    A list of project elements that contain a reference to the selected object(s) is displayed in the Reference view.

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