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Wwise SDK 2024.1.2
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CAK.Wwise::SourceControlContainers::__AkPosContainer position
 Cak_wwise_plugin_instance_ptrGeneric base for all plug-in instances. In C++, this is derived. In C, they are equivalent
 Cak_wwise_plugin_interface_array_itemA single instantiatable plug-in interface
 Cak_wwise_plugin_interface_ptrInterface description and base class for every Wwise Authoring plug-in interface
 Cak_wwise_plugin_undo_event_pair_v1A definition of an undo event, with a specific interface and instance
 CAkArrayAllocatorAlignedSimd< T_MEMID >
 CAkArrayAllocatorNoAlign< T_MEMID >
 CAkAssignmentMovePolicy< T >
 CAkAudioFormatDefines the parameters of an audio buffer format
 CAkAudioMarkerDefines the parameters of a marker
 CAK::AkAudioObjectBufferA common hashtable for mapping audioobjectIds to a combination of audio buffers and objects
 CAkAudioObjectsA collection of audio objects. Encapsulates the audio data and metadata of each audio object in separate arrays
 CAkAudioSettingsConfigured audio settings
 CAkAutoLock< TLock >
 CAkAutoStmBufSettingsAutomatic streams buffer settings/constraints
 CAkAutoStmHeuristicsAutomatic streams heuristics
 CAkAuxSendValueAuxiliary bus sends information per game object per given auxiliary bus
 CAkBehavioralPositioningDataPositioning data inherited from sound structures and mix busses
 CAK::AkBiquadCoefficientsCoefficients to be used for application of digital biquad filters
 CAK::AkBiquadMemories"Memories" storing the previous state of the digital biquad filter
 CAkChannelEmitterPositioning information for a sound, with specified subset of its channels
 CAkChunkHeaderStandard WAV chunk header
 CAkCountPolicyNoCount< T >
 CAkCountPolicyNoCount< PoolChunk >
 CAkCountPolicyWithCount< T >
 CAkCountPolicyWithCount< FreeBlock >
 CAkDbWeakString< TAlloc, T_CHAR >
 CAkDefaultSortedKeyCompare< T_KEY >
 CAkDeviceDataDevice descriptor
 CAkDeviceDescDevice descriptor
 CAkEmitterListenerPairEmitter-listener pair: Positioning data pertaining to a single pair of emitter and listener
 CAkFileSystemFlagsFile system flags for file descriptors mapping
 CAK::AkFXParameterChangeHandler< T_MAXNUMPARAMS >
 CAkGeometryInstanceParamsParameters passed to SetGeometryInstance
 CAkGeometryParamsParameters passed to SetGeometry
 CAkGetArrayKey< T_KEY, T_ITEM >Key policy for AkSortedKeyArray
 CAkGetArrayKeyFunc< T_KEY, T_ITEM >
 CAkGetArrayKeyTrivialTrivial key policy for AkSortedKeyArray, when T_KEY is T_ITEM
 CAkGraphPointBase< VALUE_TYPE >Type for a point in an RTPC or Attenuation curve
 CAkGrowByPolicy_Hybrid< uCount >
 CAkHashListBareFuncPolicy< T_KEY, T_MAPSTRUCT >
 CAkHashListBareMemberPolicy< T_KEY, T_MAPSTRUCT >
 CAK::AkHashTableBase< KeyType >
 CAkHybridAllocator< uBufferSizeBytes, uAlignmentSize, T_MEMID >
 CAkImageSourceNameData used to describe one image source in Reflect
 CAkImageSourceSettingsSettings for individual image sources
 CAkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA >Structure of an entry in the AkMixerInputMap map
 CAkJobMgrSettingsSettings for the Sound Engine's internal job manager
 CAkLastPolicyNoLast< T >
 CAkLastPolicyNoLast< FreeBlock >
 CAkLastPolicyNoLast< PoolChunk >
 CAkLastPolicyWithLast< T >
 CAkListBareLightNextItem< T >Next item name policy
 CAkListBareNextItem< T >Next item name policy
 CAkListenerListener information
 CAK::AkMeteringStruct containing metering information about a buffer. Depending on when this struct is generated, you may get metering data computed in the previous frame only
 CAkObjectInfoObject information structure for QueryAudioObjectsIDs
 CAkObstructionOcclusionValuesObstruction/occlusion pair for a position
 CAkOutputSettingsPlatform-independent initialization settings of output devices
 CAkPlacementNewKeyUnique structure identifier for AkPlacementNew
 CAkPolarCoordPolar coordinates
 CAkPoolNewKeyUnique structure identifier for AkNew
 CAkPortalParamsParameters passed to SetPortal
 CAkPositioningDataPositioning data of 3D audio objects
 CAkPositioningInfoPositioning information obtained from an object
 CAkRampVolume ramp specified by end points "previous" and "next"
 CAkReflectGameDataData structure sent by the game to an instance of the Reflect plug-in
 CAkReflectionPathInfoStructure for retrieving information about the indirect paths of a sound that have been calculated via the geometric reflections API. Useful for debug draw applications
 CAkResourceMonitorDataSummaryResources data summary structure containing general information about the system
 CAkRingBuffer< T, TAlloc >
 CAkRingBufferAllocatorAligned< T_MEMID >
 CAkRingBufferAllocatorNoAlign< T_MEMID >
 CAkRoomParamsParameters passed to SetRoom
 CAkSegmentInfoStructure used to query info on active playing segments
 CAkSetGetKey< T >
 CAkSourcePositionReturn values for GetSourcePlayPositions
 CAkSourceSettingsNecessary settings for setting externally-loaded sources
 CAkSpatialAudioIDBase type for ID's used by Wwise spatial audio.
 CAkSpatialAudioInitSettingsInitialization settings of the spatial audio module
 CAkStreamDataStream statistics
 CAkStreamRecordStream general information
 CAkTransferMovePolicy< T >
 CAkTransformPosition and orientation of objects in a "local" space
 CAkTriangleTriangle for a spatial audio mesh
 CAkVector3D vector for some operations in 3D space. Typically intended only for localized calculations due to 32-bit precision
 CAkVector643D 64-bit vector. Intended as storage for world positions of sounds and objects, benefiting from 64-bit precision range
 CAkVertexVertex for a spatial audio mesh
 CAkWorldTransformPosition and orientation of game objects in the world (i.e. supports 64-bit-precision position)
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::V1::XmlWriter::AutoStartEndElementUse this class to handle the WriteStartElement/WriteEndElement pair automatically in a C++ scope
 CAKPLATFORM::CAkJNIThreadUtility class for acquiring a pointer to a valid JNI environment attached to the current thread (with proper cleanup in destructor)
 CCAkSmartPtr< T >
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInterfaceGlue< CInterface >PluginInfoGenerator: For each plug-in interface type, provides a single static instance used throughout this plug-in container
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInterfaceGlue< CHostDataWriter >
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInterfaceGlue< CHostFrontendModel >
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInterfaceGlue< CHostObjectMedia >
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInterfaceGlue< CHostObjectStore >
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInterfaceGlue< CHostUndoManager >
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInterfaceGlue< CHostXml >
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInterfaceGlue< CLinkBackend >
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInterfaceGlue< CLinkFrontend >
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInterfaceGlue< CTestService >
 CAkHashList< T_KEY, T_ITEM, T_ALLOC >::ConstIterator
 CAkAudioObject::CustomMetadataCustom object metadata
 CAK::ObjectPool< T, AllocatorType, LockType >::DataType
 CAkDbString< TAlloc, T_CHAR >::Entry
 CAkFileParser::EnvelopePointAnalyzed envelope point
 CAK::FNVHash< HashParams >
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::PluginInfoGenerator< PluginT >::GenerateConstructor< in_interfaceType >Generates the constructor for our particular type
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::PluginInfoGenerator< PluginT >::GenerateConstructorArray< in_interfaceType >Recursively generates the constructors and interface pointer updater for all the Interfaces
 CAkSortedKeyArray< T_KEY, T_ITEM, U_POOL, U_KEY, TGrowBy, TMovePolicy, TComparePolicy >::GetUpdateKey< T_UPDATE >
 CAK::Win32::IAkDeviceEnumeratorInterface to access the IMMDevice cache. This avoids driver accesses
 CAK::IAkGameObjectPluginInfoGame object information available to plugins
 CAK.Wwise::SourceControlContainers::IAkList< Type, Arg_Type >
 CAK.Wwise::SourceControlContainers::IAkMap< Key, Arg_Key, Value, Arg_Value >
 CAK::IAkMixerInputContextInterface to retrieve information about an input of a mix connection (for processing during the SpeakerVolumeMatrix Callback)
 CAK::IAkPluginContextBaseInterface to retrieve contextual information available to all types of plugins
 CAK::IAkPluginServiceCommon interface for plug-in services accessed through the global plug-in context
 CAK::IAkVoicePluginInfoVoice-specific information available to plug-ins
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::PluginInfoGenerator< PluginT >::InterfaceInfo< in_interfaceType >Compile-time dictionary about a particular interface type
 CAK.Wwise::ISourceControl::IOperationResultThe base interface for operations that return information to Wwise
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::IReadOnlyPropertiesInterfaces used to set and get the properties from a plug in
 CAkHashList< T_KEY, T_ITEM, T_ALLOC >::Item
 CAkArray< T, ARG_T, TAlloc, TGrowBy, TMovePolicy >::IteratorIterator
 CAkHashList< T_KEY, T_ITEM, T_ALLOC >::Iterator
 CAkListBare< T, U_NEXTITEM, COUNT_POLICY, LAST_POLICY >::IteratorIterator
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::KnownInterfaceClass< in_interfaceType, in_interfaceVersion >PluginInfoGenerator: Compile-time dictionary of known interface-version
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::LatestInterfaceVersion< in_interfaceType >PluginInfoGenerator: Defines a compile-time dictionary with the latest version known to the SDK for each interface
 CMapStruct< T_KEY, T_ITEM >
 CAK.Wwise::ISourceControl::OperationListItemOperation list item. This is the type used in the AK::Wwise::ISourceControl::OperationList SourceControlContainers::IAkList template class
 CAK.Wwise::ISourceControl::PluginInfoPlug-in information structure. This structure gives a simple overview of the plug-in's capabilities
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::PluginInfoGenerator< PluginT >C++ PluginInfo Generator
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::PluginInfoTLS< bool >The interface information of the plug-in currently being instantiated
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::PluginMFCWindows< CWinApp >Initializes MFC for this plug-in
 CRealPrecision< TDataType >
 CRealPrecision< AkReal32 >
 CRealPrecision< AkReal64 >
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::RequestedHostInterface< T >PluginInfoGenerator: Requests a host-provided service, and optionally receives a variable containing the default instance
 CAK.Wwise::SafeAllocator< T >
 CAK.Wwise::SourceControlConstantThis class contains static constants that can be useful to the plug-in
 CT3DVector< TDataType >
 CT3DVector< AkReal32 >
 CT3DVector< TReal >
 CTBoundingBox< TReal >
 CAK.Wwise::Plugin::PluginInfoGenerator< PluginT >::InterfaceInfo< in_interfaceType >::ToInterfaceClassImpl< bool >Casts the plug-in class to the requested interface class
 CWaveFormatExStandard WAV format header

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