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AkUInt32 uPeakMemAllocated
The peak value for uMemAllocated since initialization.
bool bDebugDetailedStats
Enable to track detailed stats and include them in the detailed stat dump. Detailed stats include the...
AkUInt32 uMinimumBlockCount
The number of blocks of memory the system is initialized with and is the minimum kept around forever....
Definition of data structures for AkAudioObject.
bool bDebugStandaloneAllocs
Enable to force the block size to be as small as possible for each allocation (smaller than can be ac...
bool bDebugClearMemory
Enable to clear any allocation to a deterministic garbage value. Useful to make sure memory is initia...
AkUInt32 uBlocksAllocated
Number of individual blocks currently allocated.
bool bDebugClearMemory
Enable to clear any allocation to a deterministic garbage value during allocs, and after the stack is...
AkUInt32 uMemAllocated
Allocated memory (in bytes).
AkUInt32 uPeakBlocksFetched
The peak value for uRecentBlocksFetched since initialization.
bool bDebugEnableSentinels
Enable to write out sentinels between most allocations to help detect memory overwrites,...
AkUInt32 uPeakBlockUsed
The peak amount of used memory in any single block since initialization.
#define AK_EXTERNAPIFUNC(_type, _name)
bool bDebugEnableSentinels
Enable to write out sentinels between most allocations to help detect memory overwrites,...
AkUInt32 uPeakBlockSize
The peak size of any single block since initialization.
AkUInt32 uPeakBlocksUsed
The peak value for uBlocksUsed since initialization.
AkUInt32 uMaximumUnusedBlocks
The maximum number of blocks that the system keeps in an unused state, and avoids freeing....
bool bDebugDetailedStats
Enable to track detailed stats, specifically collection of Stats::uRecentPeakMemUsed....
AkUInt32 uMinimumBlockCount
The number of blocks of memory the system is initialized with and is the minimum kept around forever....
AkUInt32 uMemUsed
Used memory (in bytes).
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void GetStats(Stats &out_stats)
Get simple statistics for the Bookmark allocator.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void GetStats(Type in_eType, Stats &out_stats)
Get simple statistics for a given temporary-memory pool.
AkUInt32 uMaximumUnusedBlocks
The maximum number of blocks that the system keeps in an unused state, and avoids freeing....
IDs of temporary memory pools used by the sound engine.
AkUInt32 uMemAllocated
Currently allocated memory (in bytes).
AkUInt32 uMinimumBlockSize
The minimum size of each block. If a new allocation requests a new block of memory,...
AkUInt32 uBlocksUsed
Number of individual blocks used.
AkUInt32 uPeakMemAllocated
The peak value for uMemAllocated since initialization.
bool bDebugStandaloneAllocs
Enable to force the block size to be as small as possible for each allocation (smaller than can be ac...
AkUInt32 uRecentPeakMemUsed
Peak used memory in a single BookmarkAlloc region since the last tick (in bytes).
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void DumpTempAllocsToFile(Type in_eType, const AkOSChar *pszFilename)
bool bDebugFlushBlocks
Enable to forcefully release all blocks at the end of a tick and recreate them from scratch every tic...
AkUInt32 uPeakMemUsed
The peak value for uRecentPeakMemUsed since initialization.
AkUInt32 uMinimumBlockSize
The minimum size of each block. If a new allocation requests a new block of memory,...
uint32_t AkUInt32
Unsigned 32-bit integer.
AkUInt32 uPeakBlocksAllocated
The peak value for uBlocksAllocated since initialization.
Lifetimes of temporary allocations available.
AkUInt32 uPeakMemUsed
The peak value for uMemUsed since initialization.
AkUInt32 uRecentBlocksFetched
Number of times a block was fetched from the cache, not including the base block. High values here ma...
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